
Here in the solitude of my office,
where sight, sound, and mind is
plans are the norm—I rely solely
on my intuition.✍️🏽#bravewrite

0 8

you worship the goddess
of celestial lights

and damn my darkness
crossing your hearts

i am the same goddess
demonized for paying the price

through my darkness
her aura shines

2 21

scarlet blazed warcry
hips oscillate seductions
she sways whilst she burns


22 112

The shell-shocked diver tried to what he'd seen. The consensus was that he'd hallucinated from oxygen loss, but he was adamant it had been real.

The mermaid's hair was made of eels, their skeletons lit up with electricity. He'd barely escaped with his life.

0 10

How would Shay describe the observatory brouhaha?
Chuck was a jerk but that was somewhat incidental.
All the trash in the solar system obscures so much now, and for people like Jansen, wealthy eco-warrior, Chuck didn't take it seriously enough.

3 18

Karkadann were the most fearsome desert creatures. Thundering hooves, razor-sharp teeth, horns they used to impale prey. Yet the young caregiver-in-training looked on them with

"Look how big you're getting," the boy said, tossing meat to a young one.

0 40

hate, like love
would be a long out affair
the hurt & the pain would singe
at the surface, first
& then seep in
s l o w l y
years of sweetness
(how forced it was at times)
replaced by irrepressible bitterness
our hate, like our love
would be an affair
to remember

2 31

see you broken
at edges
lack of space
on lifes ledges
race torn
I see the hustle
and in it
synergy rainbows spirit
to masterpiece
life’s puzzle
that wedges
in beats
in energy's sandstorm
frequency flushed
in flourish of future
as own art form

🎧▶️ 1/2

5 32

His face splits apart into an unnerving, impossibly toothy grin. His pupils widen as his high-pitched, howling laughter out.

Mina realizes this wayward traveler she's taken in is not human, but a bouda. A hyena in disguise, fangs bared, lunging for her throat.

1 16

I throw fireballs at them. They surround me. I cannot summon fire fast enough to kill them all.

My magic is for offense. I need defense. Threads of fire spring from my fingertips, forming rings around me. A shield of fire. I raise my hands. They back away.

9 42

Flaring rings of
crimson splendor
cradling Spring’s lingering,

frilly carnations in
rubescent ecstasy,

calling us to
colour the twilight
in ruby-red euphoria.

7 52

Castaway, I starve on a diet of raw barnacles, believing in nothing but miserable death. A mermaid shows me how to blast thunder from conch shells & cull light from starfish, but joy overtakes me only when my bones learn to harmonize w/her wind-song.

5 29


History can a graceful peace where the presence of strength & shines down before the early dawn—leaving behind a river of rain once gone. Never did they stand for mediocrity—for only fools for hypocrisy.✍️🏽#bravewrite

0 7

We sit by the still lake on a languorous afternoon & our reflections discuss stories close to our hearts.
The tales include tidbits from our pasts–nighttime soirees with friends, kisses shared in moonlight, promises inked on pebbles.
Those were some beautiful days.

1 22

Is my special time
For UFOs

I seek
To them
Come and go

Armed with steaming
Home baked goods
I charge their
Eerie glow

Hoping they
The love
I try to show

Hate to start
A shooting war
O’er mistook
M m be

8 90

A distorted of herself, flashes before her eyes. Green hair. Red - and something else.

Jack blinks. "Vera?"

"Analysis complete. The time-space anomalies we're seeing is a of this entire planet, Jack.

Jack shivers. "Talk about an experiment."

2 5

Past Life

True beauty is a that shines from within like an smile of what's to come that has already been. So, when the of stars far away & distant shine in admiration—it’s a pure & subtle sign from a past life connection✍️🏽#bravewrite

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