Celestial gems,
strewn across the midnight skies,
a tapestry spun.
a privilege to behold,
each sparkling star divine.

4 17

Chosen for your smile
The one I yearned to clone
I brought you to my lair
And stole it for my own
It now hangs like a millipede
No matter how it's sewn
That is when I learned
Joy is more than what is shown

(🎨 mine)

15 45

Leaves do crunch
Beneath my feet
Speaking words
I long to hear
What if I fell down
And lived among
Aphids burrowing
In the deep
Where shadows
Dance and leap
A facade of all I need
What if instead
I cast doubt aside
Fell into your arms
Allowed my heart to lead

2 20

No longer could I stare
Into the eyes
Those of a man
Apologies extended
As often as
My shaking hand
A crumpled list of excuses ready
I kept imbedded
In my mind
Why did nobody see
These exhibited
Were a plea

0 11

Starlight on skin
Glittering sparks
Hide the
Deep within

Is She an empty shell
Or a death knell
Rung from hell

She is the One
Leads me
To the brink
Of my erotic needs

When She's done
I'm crumpled
On my knees
For Her I bleed
My demon seed

3 16

The of revenge
So Frosty

A dish best served cold
As a once said

Years of molestation
While young

Years of blackmail
Now I'm older

You won't let go
So, I'll be the
End of this..


4 23

Appetent closeness
Drinking in lemongrass scent
Lining windswept hair

21 75


or sorcery—It cloaks
its face around illusions
and lies where the sun
doesn't shine. And its
luster lacks the inevitable
that (s) away at forsaken
and souls.


0 5

In the
of this era
I count what
i leave behind
Romance pittance
smuggle kisses
for intimacy
There was never
a settling account
between us
Just a pause
Can't turn back time
Can't move on
hurt that much

22 160

Cries for attention
Echo through the night,
With no one to answer
But the unheard one
Feeling left behind.

March 15th, 2023

Share. Retweet. Cry louder.

16 28

Sage Advice©️

Momma used to say never be too
to judge a book by its cover.
She’d say, read its contents in
and choose wisely like a fine
scarf—its weave is light & transparent.


1 10

A deep love lays pocketed in my skin, tracing melodies from last summer when whistling trees climbed their breeze up our cheeks & wrapped your name & mine around each other's stardust. I've a sympathy for rain's exquisite blues—for how it chokes on evermores.

34 103

Passionate sunshine blooms over the trees, making stars between the leaves. Our voices go where their poetry moves in timeless growth, catching orchid dreams as webs weep a potion for shadows in our ribcages. Home in the distance. Roses broken on our lips.

28 81

Me. Myself. And I.©️

Quick as a lick, he snuck
a passionate kiss and
smudged my lipstick.
And memories of my
greatest is
when ego meets discernment.
There, I reside in my space,
the perfect to evolve.🦋


2 23

Amidst the darkness,
Her heart was
a shining light,
in her refuge.

2 14

Wild, this garden mine,
Shadowy and overgrown —
With angels in the treetops,
And demons in the undergrowth.

March 2nd, 2023

Share. Retweet. Do some weeding.

11 27

Sky bereft of clouds
Holds rapt wanderers captive
With tales out of stars

27 73

shrugged away
in the day

come back
come back at night
as dreams
soldering reality
with weird


25 60

Source unknown,
Shaped or grown —
Meet your maker.

February 20th, 2023

Share. Retweet. Irrelevant.

12 28


It's a love between Mother
& child. A mother has a personal relationship with all her children—six
to raise & one in heaven, making her
destiny quite the journey. And to be sure, no dares to compare.✍️🏽#bravewrite

0 7