Very rough first attempt at a size chart here, I pretty much eyeballed it based on skeletals, etc. Mostly wanted to see what they all looked like together!

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I'm so excited to announce that my blog will launch on January 31st! This project I've been wanting to do for years will feature and biographies of the authors and original artwork by Katrin Emery(

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FUN FACT: Ocepechelon was just one of 2 GIANT, highly-specialized from the Late Cretaceous of Morocco. Meet Alienochelys, the "yin" to Ocepechelon's "yang"

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There are few things as motivating (imo) for a paleoartist than an incredibly beautiful & obscure animal that you feel needs more/better representation. With that in mind, here's my reconstruction of the giant Cretaceous sea turtle Ocepechelon

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Happy Enjoy this gorgeous piece by our featured paleoartist, Raven Amos. creates with vivid colors! Learn more about her and visit her digital art gallery here:

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Their skulls are also very low and sloping compared to the tall heads of mammoths. M. americanum had a pretty wide distribution (all of North America), and its most likely habitat is suggested to have been spruce forests.

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This is Mammut americanum, better known as the American It is the best-known species of the genus Mammut, and one of the best-known and most popular of Cenozoic animals.

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Loganellia, a jawless thelodont w/ a square body & distinctive covering of spiny scales (that I prolly made too large). Gave it a coloration befitting its likely habitat of shallow coastal waters or reefs.

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You vs the proboscidean she tells you not to worry about

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Finished Cotylorhynchus!!! Gave this Early Permian synapsid some cornified pads on the skin to help it dig/burrow, which is what it likely did with those action figure forelimbs it's got.

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New high school camps coming this summer! Which one(s) are you hyped for??

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I loved working on this! Another and more from Dr. Bonyfide’s Know Your Dinosaur: Velociraptor Edition! Special thanks to the awesome team!

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Happy to announce some of the I have been working on for the Know your Dinosaur: Velociraptor Edition!

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Happy James Parkinson, the 1st to describe "paralysis agitans" (later renamed Parkinson's disease), had an avid interest in Explore his "Organic Remains of a Former World" (2nd Ed. 1833) in via :

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Just published: the paperback version of Dinosaurs: How They Lived and Evolved, fully revised and updated this is the must-have introduction

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