Portada del bluray y 4K de Man of Tomorrow, que saldrá el 8 de septiembre en formato físico y el 23 de agosto en digital.
A ver si en España nos la editan.

16 93

Coming to Blu-ray and VHS in August from SRS Cinema!

Garden Tool Massacre (1997)!

PRE-SALES start 6/25/20 7pm EST. Ships mid to late August. Limited to only 100 Blurays and 25 VHS!

Blu-ray: https://t.co/R3QZM48Y0V

VHS: https://t.co/ZoJlhF8iSg

7 32

BREAKING: DC Universe animated film SUPERMAN: MAN OF TOMORROW is coming to 4K UHD Blu-ray and Blu-ray on September 8th, via Warner, according to retailer Best Buy. - Links: https://t.co/SDjndTdTvw

3 15

Apparently, this was fixed for the bluray release! XD

0 0


El 26/6 vuelve a los cines el con
¡y lo celebramos sorteando la 1ª temp. en 2 Bluray ed. coleccionista!

▶️RT+Like+Mención 2 amigos con quienes irías al cine.
▶️Sigue y

205 241

I did a thing. Seriously, a newly released bluray with this low price I couldn't pass up. Also I didn't realize until after I purchased it that it came with...hidden bluray artwork. 😏🤤

5 34

The Numbers just updated June 7th bluray sales & Alita was not in the top 100. Total Alita blurays sold in US is estimated at 795,832. Alita profit at 6/7 is estimated at $61.8 million, still heading to a profit of $80 million by year-end.

4 23

Con motivo del 5º Aniversario del Blog sorteamos la edición en de para participar:
1. Sigue a
2. Siguenos en
3. Haz FAV y RT con el Hashtag citando a dos amigos.

Bases: https://t.co/WqIimT0yNO

102 124

Con motivo del 5º Aniversario del Blog sorteamos la edición en de para participar:
1. Sigue a
2. Siguenos en
3. Haz FAV y RT con el Hashtag citando a dos amigos.

Bases: https://t.co/WqIimT0yNO

102 148

The Numbers updated 5/31 bluray sales & Alita was not in the top 100. Estimated bluray sales that week are 700 units, and estimated profit at 5/31/ is $61 million. Alita returns to HBO tomorrow at 4:55PM.

2 25

Con motivo del 5º Aniversario del Blog sorteamos un grandioso MegaPack (Trilogía El Padrino + Gladiator) en para participar:
1. Siguenos en
2. Haz FAC y RT con el Hashtag citando a dos amigos.

Bases: https://t.co/WqIimT0yNO

123 150

Digimon Adventure & 02 BLURAY BOX SCANS https://t.co/7xY1GT49SW

2 7

It's Another Apocalypse Sale - Not the End Yet! Rare Bluray, DVD & VHS now at amazing prices including the Gorgasm, Gorotica, Gore Whore 4 pack - https://t.co/7eFleWqjxL

2 2

"hhhgregg panasonic bluray 99 dollars 32" LCD TV 299 LG 42" HDTV 489 every things on sale during christmas at hhhgregg panasonic bluray 99 dollars 32" LCD TV 299 LG 42" HDTV 489-"
can you tell what i listened to for the past 4 hours? (theres also a gif)

2 1



5 44

Así es la Edición Bluray de "Darling in the Franxx" de Atsushi Nishigori. Presentada en amaray, con tres discos bluray y funda contenedora gracias a Selecta Visión.

Reportaje Fotográfico ➡️ https://t.co/w2mBNCidh3

0 1

The Numbers updated 5/24 bluray sales & Alita again is not in the top 100. That needs to be fixed. May 24th estimated sales were 700 blurays, & Alita profits at 5/24 are estimated at $60 million, an 18% profit. Keep in mind about 1/3 of movies lose money.

6 26

界の が、#外国語 映画としては初めて、#アカデミー賞 の を獲得し、大きな話題になった問題作「#パラサイト」の に、オリジナルの をつけたセットが今夏7月22日に発売だそうです‼️、ご予約はコチラ‼️➡️https://t.co/ao61dqbHsy

1 0

Got my Konosuba bluray today, so here's an Aqua to celebrate

18 83