Supper last night. The ingredients for the seafood rice bowl are tuna, yellowtail, and pickled mackerel. The ingredients for oden are beef tendon, chicken wings, chikuwa, maruten, burdock tempura, fried tofu,etc. I swallowed a 500ml can of the 3rd beer.

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c'est fini ! Mais pour nous l'aventure continue !

VISITEURS, EXPOSANTS, INVITES, PARTENAIRES, n'hésitez pas à remplir notre formulaire de !

Rendons la prochaine édition encore plus paw-some !

0 3

Today’s Brendon Lees birthday.
We couldn’t have gotten a better person to play Eric Draven...

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Peonie, rose esagerate,
rose dionisiache,
odalische che ignude e voluttuose
prendono il bagno
nei vasi di maioliche preziose.
Il loro lieve odore
dà come il sentimento di frescure
d'un placido specchio di cristalli

C. Govoni

Édouard Manet

5 10

My webshop is back online! I added the remaining stock from last preorder as well.
👀 👀

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La couverture française de Comme un adieu de Takako Shimura est validée. Nous attendons avec impatience de pouvoir le lire !

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You belong to Kina now, there is no running... especially if she’s cut your Achilles’ tendon already... art by @/4ra8_

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TW gore blood
some stress relief bc the project presentation went terrible today
albino espio shedding skin too soon due to sunburns
and me playing with silvers tendons

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[/r/tf2 art] I made medic as a jrpg boss from octopath traveler! (i hope the uber doesn't look like muscle tendons, and yes, the kritz lightning is shitty, it was admittedly rushed)

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Jaqueline Enoshima, Jaime Renata e Narguilé Mendonça

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sure! basically when one of the characters transforms into a titan (something only certain people have the ability to do) their human body connects to the titan’s. veins and tendons from the titan form will connect with their actual body, when they disconnect it leaves the marks!

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E allora che vi meravigliate a fare, gentaglia ignorante, o meglio bestiacce da tribunale, anzi, meglio ancora, avvoltoi con la toga, se al giorno d’oggi tutti quanti i giudici vendono per denaro le loro sentenze, quando fin dall’origine.

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Bowser looks BADASS! The dripping drool over his teeth... DON’T FUCK WIT DIS BOI!!!
I can’t read that watermark. If you know the artist, lmk and I’ll give credit :3

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Brendon Hoppy Aka Muffin Cakes ♡♡♡

12 45

Buongiorno Amici,grazie di 💝 per i vostri bellissimi tweet che rendono luminose le nostre TL 👏👏👏

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jendong photocards 💖
commissioned by ⁦⁩ ❣️

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