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I’m starting to lose my shit too, Mario. All work and no play has been making Nat a very dull gorrrllll. >:[
I can’t wait to stream! I need sum fun! ;3 ❤️
#nintendonat #nintendo #supermariobros #supermario #supermariomemes #nintendomemes #theshining #crossover #allworknoplay
This spoopy boi is absolutely adorable :0
Artist: @Artacuno
I luuuuvvvv himb!
#nintendonat #nintendo #pokemon #pokemonart #bulbasaur #spoopy
I’m so sick of Bernie memes, but this is silly and cute and I love it. 😂❤️
#nintendonat #legendofzelda #zelda #nintendo #bernie #berniememes #berniesandersmemes #berniemittens #berniesandersmittens #berniesandersmittensmemes #itsdangeroustogoalone #itsdangeroustogoalonetakethis
Bowser looks BADASS! The dripping drool over his teeth... DON’T FUCK WIT DIS BOI!!!
I can’t read that watermark. If you know the artist, lmk and I’ll give credit :3
#nintendonat #bowser #princesspeach #bowserandpeach #bowserpeach #supermario #supermariobros #nintendo
This image has been going around a lot recently. I’m reposting for those who haven’t seen it yet. Mario feeling fuckin’ FABULOUS ;) 💖
Gimme some of that sparkle, my man ✨🤩✨
GOT FUCKIN WRECKED! This is what you get for ditching him >:[
Pfffftttt. Bitch, stop being so fussy, you can always go again!
Excuuuuse me princess!!!
Rosalina, just because you’ve been stuck up in space, you don’t get to be stuck up in bed. 😂
Gimme dat down B Kirby xD
Or should I say, down D ;)
Thank you all for your silly comments. Making me crack up. I think I feel a spark between us ;) ⚡️❤️⚡️ #nintendonat
The length of the sword doesn’t matter, as long as you master it ;)
See what I did there?
This spooky boi is bending my mind like he bends those spoons :0
Sleep well lovelies 🖤💜 I hope your day wasn’t too exhausting, and you’re able to chill now and be cozy. Here’s a Booette Bae to save the day if it wasn’t that great. Dis girl makes everything better ;3
G’night and *hugz*
Now THIS is an alternate universe I can get behind! I love how her lil crown jumps off her head as she’s surprised 👑! And her sleeeeeve tatttts 😍!!! What a badass bae💜. If u know the artist, please tag them, cuz I sure don’t.
#nintendonat #PrincessPeach #SuperMario