ayup i’m flik and i have an irrational fear of the sound helicopters make and tape measures... anyways here my art :]

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This nose gear is a temporary, temporary landing gear that has been diverted from other aircraft. In my later artwork schedule, I will design a nose gear optimized for a brand new helicopter.

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4/21発売のTHE ANDS( )のアルバムを聴かせてもらったのです◎


4曲目のhelicon was fireが今回特に好きです🕺✨

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Since Sesshomaru is now basically a confirmed helicopter parent...is it too much to ask for season 2 to include flashbacks to scenes from season 1, but now we get to see Sessho just awkwardly standing in the background, stalking his daughters?

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Just because they had more cars didn't mean they had less that weren't cars. They had helicopters, a flying saucer, a weird rocket bird lion thing, and a boat that totally fucked an alien.

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But... But... Many Transformers identified as Attack Helicopters???!!

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AVENGERS WEST COAST Unmarked helicopters spraying chemicals under cover of night. Robotic wheat farmers. Strange metallic lesions appearing on civilians. What do any of these things have in common, and why does it smell like Ultron in here?

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MEDA (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer) is the instrument on Perseverance that is monitoring the weather and wind conditions to determine the best time for Ingenuity to fly.

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mongus, first drafts of anghelico, doom stuff (?)
i dont remember making that last one but i might pick it up again

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interviewed me for 's Deep-Sea Podcast and I had a fantastic time! We discussed megalodon, Helicoprion, paleoart, Beebe's fishes, globsters, and much, much more. There's lots of paleontology and cryptozoology content to enjoy.

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Long Drives, and Sunsets
I did this piece based off a session of GTA that me my BF Aza did where we took some cars up the mountains and watched the sun set, as well as shooting down police helicopters.

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Cornered on the rooftop, the thief grinned, because the sound of his approaching getaway helicopter was getting louder.

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Cool game, fly a Helicopter around and then land and move around a bit like Commando, don't step on the mines

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Twintails is a Duocephalcaud from the planet Doscaudacaput. Her long tail has two heads and she can use them for whipping, blowing wind, and flying like a helicopter.

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helicoさんのインクセット「Petit helico」より、今日は「ショコラな夢」。僅かに赤みのあるおいしそうなブラウンで使い勝手がよさそう~!🍫

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Apparently the creator of this, Will Wright, went on to make most of the games in series. SimCity, SimEarth, SimAnt, SimLife, SimCopter, etc. If there's two things he likes its complete control of everything and helicopters.

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helicoさんのインクセット「Petit helico」より、今日は「夜の音」。優しいブルーグレイがとってもステキで滲ませるといろんな色がチラ見えして美しい……!

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