So I saw a post about critiquing art and i was like “hey…..hey…-w-“
So uhh…I’d like some nice advice :”D
Please be specific..TUT

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no es que alla tardado concretamente esa cantidad de tiempo pero si que este me llevo 1 año entero el terminarlo por que la pose y la ropa no me salia y terminaba frustrado TuT
llore cuando vi que los detalles de la espada no se notaban u.u

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I won a mushroom friend from last night! I've decided to name them Hydnell P. And I love them 😍 (Yes it's just the Sci. Name, I think its cool, shutup is why TuT )

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Kein wirklicher Grund warum ich jetzt poste...
Habe ein Glas Captain Morgan Tiki und seniere über mein Leben.
Ich hab viele Menschen links liegen lassen, weil ich mich zu sehr auf mich selbst konzentriert hab - was mir unendlich leid tut...

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I want him, i neeed him! I want him to come home >< He is a playboy, a god... OH MY GOSH TUT How can someone so beautiful and hot <3 made some bad and good times at the same time >> ( They made him also only if you lucky and have monet to wish him T..T

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I have plenty of ships, but I barely draw them XD
However Soami x Misaki is one of my favorite ships I can think of TUT
the rival dynamic is just so…aaaaaa

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Goodnight kiddos, ilysm!! ^^
I just need to do the hair and crown!! TUT

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New front page for first episode remake! The Manga is in the works & I expect it to go quickly with all the new tools I have given myself :)
Now I just have to stay motivated & officiant TuT
*sips coffee aggressively*

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Si investigamos a los Guardianes, comprobamos que existe una trama con tintes similares a lo que estamos viendo en Loki. En ella, Nathaniel Richards como Rama-Tut (I know, es confuso), encuentra un plano llamado el Limbo Temporal, donde el tiempo no discurre. ¿Os suena familiar?

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fr tho 11 years of LL! & 6 years of aqours their so cool n they come so far i’m so proud TuT

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no sabia el color de la ropa de Yleic
...en otras noticias... como digo que me emocione sin decirte que me emocione?
TuT no vuelvo a pintar, me distraje mas con eso que otra cosa, lo siento! T_T

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I have been getting a lot of smaller commissions as of late! And I keep forgetting to post them TuT

Heres some coloured sketches for Zora Seasona and Vegas on Discord!

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Hoshi muchas gracias, te lo agradezco muchísimo TuT

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Episode 13 is out!! The final episode TuT can't believe it's the end of the series, it's been a fun experience doing weekly drawings for every episode ><

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Valieron riata (incluyendome) a los que pedian Dante y Shantae TuT

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Es tut mir wirklich wahnsinnig leid… aber ich hab’s heute morgen nicht geschafft, den Stream zu starten!

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That single life TuT

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Finally i finished TuT
My redesign from MK:SM skin of Mileena TwT<3

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