Happy Birthday Tohru <3

Out of the short break and who knew Tohru Honda would be the one to bring me back. (Still testing the art style and really just wanted to sketch something chill)

Forever my comfort character <3 🍙

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Happy Valentines Day to my OTP forever, SonAmy.

Thank you, Sonic takeover for making Amy a Fruba fan 🙏🏼💖💙

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"To truly love someone, is to always put their feelings before your own... no matter what."

The best trio is Fruits' Basket's Tohru, Kyo and Yuki who selflessly found love for themselves by putting each other's feelings first.

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proof im a free thinker and not cringe at all is how this fruba rewatch has convinced me to grow my hair out so i can look like hana

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Late Lunar New Year post, but here's pixel Momiji for Year of the Rabbit 🐰🧧

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Sorry for being a day late but happy Lunar New Year! Momiji is my favorite character from Fruba and I am so proud to be year of the rabbit as well, and to celebrate this year! Thank you so so much for the beautiful artwork!

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✨ Happy Kyo Day 😼✨

Tohru making sure he celebrates it the best way possible: sunny cafe date with a handmade gift, pancakes, milkshake and headpats 💖

Everything our Cat Boy deserves 🍙

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probably these . i made more shitposts for fruba than i did actual art pieces (and also lots of yyh) https://t.co/JXb5HqvGwc

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A very Happy New Year to all!!! Hope you have a lucky year of the rabbit blessed by Momiji!!

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🌸🔥 Shoujo meets shounen A crossover fanart I guess?

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I won't over post today but I am mainly looking at this account as if it is a portfolio so I don't super care about traction or post interaction.

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The thing about Fruba is how they made me head over heels for the side cp especially Harurin 🥴 like I hope Takaya could comeback again with main couple with their vibeee

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Qixi Festival!
Fruba officially has Harurin's Japanese version of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl Chibies, then we have Akigure's Chinese version of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl Chibies!
If you're curious about this wonderful love story, read it pls!↓

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I've been brain rotting these two since last summer, especially that one episode where Kakeru calls Kyo a red-headed hottie..😳 So, I finally decided to indulge. Kyo x Kakeru for the masses!

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