i will protect it ✔️
i want to see it grow up healthy ✔️
i want to tell my friends and neighbours about it ✔️

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My last art I did in 2017 here, a lil doodle of a boy from another original alien race of mine called the gadeirans! They're in some serious beef with their planetary neighbours, the evaemi. Cats vs frogs

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Un petit dessin d'#Undertale parce que j'ai enfin le pack Collector ;;u;;
(Mais j'ai pas eu les céréales ! Remboursé !)

Old Friend~

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Pepe’s visiting her neighbours to get tips on how to improve the quality of her dandelions! Just a fun little doodle, I haven’t combined traditional and digital tools in a long time.

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A dump of old art for some original scifi story stuff I was working on! These are the evaemi, they're an amphibian race who have some serious drama with their planetary neighbours.

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Night time pictures now my Twitterarty. Hope you’ve all had a good weekend...Already there are Christmas lights on our road as neighbours compete to be the best. Maybe need cheering up in these miserable times. Ulla Thynell Art.

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'Hot Spring' (priv. coll.) This very northern image of Canada is my way of letting our American friends and neighbours know we're thinking of them this

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New Side Eye Comic at : Aussie Aussie Aussie, Shame Shame Shame. I think our neighbours have some explaining to do. https://t.co/X2hkElmBBb

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Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbours to the south this weekend! Please enjoy this comic from 4 years ago!

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je serais offert à Noël en tant que prothèse mammaire défectueuse non-remboursable.

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Il a illustré nos plus beaux comptes à rebours. Il réalise de sublimes réalisations, il a été remarqué par Hajime Tabata et publié dans le calendrier d'Uncovered. Si vous souhaitez apporter du soutien à , ça se passe ici : https://t.co/jvKWbgV7pc Merci pour lui !

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Bourse Révélation Emerige 2017 : un vivier de jeunes talents et un lauréat

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i think your neighbours just thought you like the band Beatles A LOT

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tfw you can't tell if it's the neighbours or your sister and her boyfriend that are giggling like schoolgirls...and then hear the "Bass Drop"

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One of my all time faves! Zombies ate my Neighbours!
Enjoy some fan art of it! :D

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Aide : « Bourse Michel Baridon », date limite de l’appel : 30 novembre 2017. Cf. https://t.co/7ucUP8Nka3

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Home workers are affected by big amount of home-delivery packages for their online shopping neighbours (Ted Struwer) https://t.co/6nXxqeMHso

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"un des plus grands centres commerciaux à ciel ouvert, s’étalant de la place Rogier à la Bourse"

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