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2 18

wish there's a master list of (non seedy) sites that have nice reference for traditional clothes history, even preshistoric ones.

If I ever remake Nuwa's design (this one was like 9 minutes design ☠️) I'll make her look "prehistoric" since she's a creator Goddess

2 27

Comsuck was developed to penetrate armor of the famous Imperial super heavy tank Emarlian, from 2,000m away.

History of the federation tanks is much like a history of struggling against Imperial tanks.

1 34

tb to that one time i learnt 'The Kiss' in art history last year and I'm like: omg LuLia

0 1

For the ones who like adopt Designs I have two for you!
- Paypal and USD only
- Once paid you have the design and comercial rights - You can change name, history, turn into vtuber, whatever as long as you don't claim as if you did the drawing.
- You cannot trace over this… https://t.co/NPz9Ll28Wb

53 531

冬コミC103新刊「GURAMAN1895~90増訂版FINALEDITION」宮ケ瀬の道の駅「鳥居原ふれあいの館」では冊数が少ないのと山奥での販売なので他の書店委託価格より541円お安くなっていて、「BLACK HISTORY VOL7」ウルフファングのコミカライズの掲載されている自分用だった在庫が数冊あります。

5 30

[wip] some Elden Ring medieval romanticism for comfort while I'm thoroughly horriffied by Fire and Blood's brutal recounting of the Targaryens' history
I'm not sure I'll like the end result of House of the Dragon :(...

26 349


44 163

One hundred years ago, 15 was the age of adulthood, so when I draw in the genre of Nintama, I draw 15 as an adult. This is based on history.

2 35

and idk if I ever will... but oh well

Here's the one and only singular moment in history where I drew Nyn

5 48


so proud of my heritage, culture, art, history and progress of thousands of years!

here's to a mighty year of the dragon!

新年快乐! 恭喜发财! 龙马精神!

91 1220

Happy for u, Elda.

History just gets a skin upgrade lol

I too want Izumo no Okuni

0 3


And now he’s telling me “black and white” focus on history.
Would it after the course of my history?
Energies to transcend avoid endin’

The world be a lifesaver, can be a weapon at the same time.

1 5

History has changed. She deserves to be the main character.
2부 주인공 해.

327 3109

she has seen your browser history ☺️💙 https://t.co/OvleynMzVi

6 82

【Commission】Blueberry Tony🫐(@HistoryGuyTony)

109 591

recently finished watching Edomae Elf

and tbh, didn't expect it to enjoy and like it as much as I do

really love the characters and it's interesting to know some Japanese history as well (specifically during the Edo period)

1 6

(2/1) Happy Birthday Akane, Isshinsai, Doctor Kenzo Tenma & Reina Suzuki!😊🥰😎🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉

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