Cosa attrae tanto l'attenzione di Tristram e Juliette nel tributo per di oggi di ? Recatevi subito su e preordinare la vostra copia della zine per saperlo, perché avete solo DUE SETTIMANE di tempo! Le art complete saranno solo lì!

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Qual è l'oggetto di studio di Tristram stavolta? Potrete ammirare questo splendido tributo di per Esther e per la - oltre a dozzine di altre illustrazioni a tutta pagina - se prenoterete una copia della zine. Preordinatela adesso!

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What's Tristram looking at for his study purposes? You'll have to chance to admire this stunning tribute by for Esther and - and dozens more of full-page arts - if you'll get a copy of the zine. Preorder it now!

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La Vignetta d’Autore di Davide Ceccon: finalmente, dopo un duro addestramento, ecco il primo “Navigator” di Giggino Di M... ➦

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Do you know how many artists took part to ? No? Neither do we! We are still receiving the tributes to Tristram, Juliette and the fantastic world created by Esther, as this one by . Preorder your copy now, you have THREE WEEKS left

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Working on some new sponson masters. Using a bright primer to spot any defects then a lot of sanding to smooth everything down before giving it a few more coats.

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Casi con las justas de que se acabe el día (al menos en mi país)
Feliz día del trabajador, en especial a los de Atención al cliente, quienes a diario tratamos con muchas personas, con diferentes estados emocionales, aún así mostramos una sonrisa durante la jornada.

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The World of Thomas Turner part 3: A Visit to Halland House (where he complains about the number of French servants) and an encounter with Tristram Shandy.

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Big Trystram 02 by RomainTrystram

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More Stram Draw.

Character (Xenos) belongs to a friend of mine.*

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our featured painter Jeremy Carlisle has a famous Uncle, only Tristram Cary - of working with et al. There's something rhythmic about the structure Jeremy's paintings. Do visit to have a look! until 5th May!

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Stram Offline for now Made some decent progress coming up with shapes, going to rest for a bit and come back to it!

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I'm Kim, a freelance illustrator and 2D game artist living in the woods. I love character design, the occult, and gold. Looking for work.


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Creating a smarter digital reality for bridging the and operational worlds via Robert Jastram

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Tristram and Isolde, 1916
John William Waterhouse (1849 - 1917)

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2018blackberet님 리퀘스트 완료:D!!
사모예드 군견 in 아스트라밀리타룸(feat.김혁,가드맨)

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Se cuenta que el nacimiento de Goranchacha se dio porque hace muchos años, el Sol quiso reencarnar en una mujer chibcha, por lo cual, todas las mañanas las mujeres desnudas esperaban la concepción a través de los rayos del astro rey.

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