画質 高画質

I wish Helldiver 2 add more free Warbond

Premium warbond is cool and super credit can be farm and all
But yeah

I wish there is more free warbond that we can waste a medal on since we complete the major order really Really FAST and get like 45-50 per each

0 20

海のトリトンの子供達 124
In human relationships, differences in eating habits can be a major hindrance😅

29 435

Wife is undergoing major repair it seems

0 11

almost 10 years of gbf and ive been drawing gbf since 2017 so im comparing my first few grabble illusts to a few of my latest ones

cant believe gbf has been a major part in my journey as an artist

61 293

Kawanbabu — Who wants to be an active mutual who likes to chat in every tweet kazuha play this one? I'll go by she/him. I'm already a major and am now at AR 57 heading towards 58! But my account is not friendly to minors or homophobic, so if you're okay with heavy (cont..)

0 1

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

6515 51124

I beat Majora recently so I made a doodle of this weirdo.

7 46

昨日リリースされましたホロライブ音楽プロジェクト 「Blue Journey」 Major 1st Single『水たまり』のイラスト担当しております!✨
私ひとりで全部ではないんですが、皆ですごく頑張って製作しましたので何卒よろしくお願いいたします...!🙏 https://t.co/lyZfsKxg6P

202 879

[oc] shout out to onion whose only major design changes have been very slight color alterations

23 321

Iori and Yui playing with a cat!
A major feature from Samurai Remnant! (1/2)

268 1598

every day she prays a little harder to the gods her amazon order comes in (it won't its a major warzone)

0 6

Section 9 Public Security, Kanan wearing the Major’s iconic yellow jacket

19 146

💫Major Arcana - Wheel of Fortune 💫
Featuring Jiang Fuli

Another card I got to draw for ! (2/3)

93 334

"The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (April 27, 2000)"

0 17

US Major General, commission from Bilibili:伊丽莎白卡芙琳Channel (1/1)

52 382

and after it's a major save... because... MY GOD(s)...

them appearing close to each other iirc is gonna be pain

0 0

Truly a Blue Archive year, 3d side not much cuz majority is work-related, the illustration template is from !

3 8

衣装の4択中過半数の方が学生服を選んでくださいました・・・ それで髪型は取り換えが出来ないらしくこれもどっちがいいかおうかがいしたいです・・・何度もすみません!! AかBかの2択!
The majority of the choices among the four outfit options favored the school uniform... Regarding the… https://t.co/s1rE3sdjeq

16 129

Nothing major, but I'm trying to get back into animation.

9 37