Was toying around with the recent pin-up I had nabbed from Kihu and made a badge of sorts! And I have to say I like how it looks :D
Done with permission of course!!


Original image and post can be found here:

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Some character concepts I'm toying with

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I'm toying with the idea of adding these to my motivational print inventory.

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Been toying around with digital in attempt to improve ;v; /

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‘The Caged Traveller’ | original illustration of a fantasy novel idea I’ve being toying with.

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Just toying with brushes and layer modes because I have no fucking clue what Im doing.

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Did an illustration of my characters for a story I’ve been developing. Im not sure if anything will come out of it but I’m liking the ideas I’ve been toying with.#drawing

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Playing with colors for a character of mine. Still got a lot more toying to do before she is finished!

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Im really toying with the idea of using stunning for the covers of my new YA series

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Toying With Rainbows. Rainbow Toys. Adult Toys


rainbow joys

rainbow baubles

rainbow stones

rainbow gems

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deadline week is underway! Rough rig is in place, toying with lighting/poses, then polish, polish, polish.

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Happy Sunday! ✨I am working today, but I do want to update with art of some kind?

Here's something from my personal folder; I'm developing this design further, and I've been toying w/ it for 2 years. I think I finally settled on a look and new palette for Nik. More dingo-like!

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Been thinking about this guy a lot lately. He's an npc in a monster dating game I was toying around with about a year ago?

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Toying around with simple cutesy styles wheeee
-Don't repost, alter, or use without proper credit, ask first please-

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Alright, I've been toying around with the DVD cover template some more and come up with a serviceable full cover! :D Thoughts? Criticisms?

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I was toying around with Eve's desgin and did some doodles

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My very first 3 commissions made upon my return to the fandom. I was toying with a less-bulky rendition of my fursona as I had always made him thick in the 90's.
🎨 by and LethalDoors formerly of FA, but now retired from art.

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In toying around with some of my recent pieces to turn them into DVD-style covers, I've come up with this cover template. I like how basic it feels, but not sure about the story/actor's names section as it might be too spartan. Thoughts? Would you like to see more DVD covers?

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I've been toying with the idea of making badges so here's what I did today.

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