Sorry y'all…I Amn just…a litle voxman shipper. Thatse It. I Canot change this

13 44

GACHA CLUB IS COMING SOON! What club will you join? Club X is a mystery to all… that is unless you join Club X!

36 930


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Not Africa this time but arguably the greatest cat of them all…

This piece is for sale.

Mixed mediums of ink, polychrome pencil’s, white gel-pen on warm-grey colored paper - 11.5 x 16.5 inches

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Process video of my Howl painting! I started creating this on IG Live. I might do more drawings on IG Live in the future, let me know in the comments if it's something you'd like to watch! :) P.S. I still have many process videos to edit and show you all…

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เฮ่อเทียน *เชิญคุณเข้าร่วม Video call…*
กวานซาน: …
กวานซาน *ปฏิเสธ*

เฮ่อเทียน: มา Video call กันเถอะ~ มา Video call กันเถอะ~
เฮ่อเทียน *ส่งเงินให้คุณ ¥250*
กวานซาน *ได้รับเงิน ¥250*

190 125

He’s ready to shot his next video y’all…
(and secretly a hug) 🐨💕💕

5 7

In 1906 Mucha gave a series of lectures at the Chicago Art Institute. While in Chicago, he and Maruška lodged with A.V. Černý, Professor of Music at the First Bohemian Conservatory. 'Papa' Černý had three daughters, all…

📸 via

3 16

Keep smiling y'all…it's all gonna be ok 👍🏻

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Future Death Battle: Roche VS Yusei Fudo! One is a generically enhanced psychopath with advanced combat training and power magic jewels… the other has trading cards… Huh… Maybe it wouldn’t be all that interesting after all…

3 5

生きる→生きろ→eat kill all… eat kill all…

6 30

Boxer Dog Puppy Painting, Blue Boxer Dog Owner Gift Idea, Boxer Mom Art, Blue Boxer Dog Wall… visit to see cool dog art: Boxer Dog Puppy Painting, Blue Boxer Dog Owner Gift Idea, Boxer Mom Art, Blue Boxer Dog Wall… visit…

3 8

It happens Bane has captured Batman and he's rolling Trilogy's sequences to make Batman consume. Green screen template is included so you can fill Bane's monitor with your own. Free For All… it starts now 🥋🥊.

5 15

Hi I’m PixelTaku! I got like 410 followers and it hasn’t been going up at all… it’d mean so much to me if I could get to 500 a lot quicker than it took to get to 400!

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4 13

Boxer dog Painting Portrait poster Print from Original painting hand Signed Orange Canine wall… visit to see cool dog art: Boxer dog Painting Portrait poster Print from Original painting hand Signed Orange Canine wall… visit…

2 5

I love being able to capture the spirit of an animal. So much of the magic is in the eyes...where you can see all the way into their soul. And doing it with paint is crazy fun! Needless to say it’s been a fun Saturday so far!

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