Here you go all you Rogues and proud members of TFM out there! A more updated look at the vibrant cover art I made for TFM Volume II: Rise of the Rebellion, with more to come!

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WIP of page 1 of the Roulette ashcan. Coming along. Only 14 days left to snag it and Hunting Alice, as well as the wall tapestries.

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$250 away from $2K!! Help make it happen for Hunting Alice!! Be on the look out for some cool new perks for the 2nd half of the campaign!!

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Back Hunting Alice today!!

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Daily reminder: sign up for Hunting Alice & lock in a trading card! Less than 2 weeks til launch! 3/13

What if X-Files meets Silence of the Lambs? SIGN UP NOW!!

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Don't forget to sign up for Hunting Alice & lock in that trading card! Less than 2 weeks til launch! 3/13

What if X-Files meets Silence of the Lambs?

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Character concept sketch of Agent Verily Wingate, main protagonists of Hunting Alice. Sign up today!

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THAT narrative is what I responded to. That's what my concerns are about. This kind of backwards thinking makes look bad. Like it or hate it, that's my opinion. It doesn't make me any less intelligent in choosing to believe as a whole is not lost yet.

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I'm not posting all my SW stuff, but if you come at me trying to challenge my "knowledge", you should know that I've forgotten more about SW than most "new" fans of the brand google search for today.

It's a losing battle, so don't even go there.

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I guess I should just post it here - there was a minor revision to the final cover art, because I'm perfectionist AF when it comes to my art and

Now with more Drew Struzan inspired borders!


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PLOT TWIST: The nebula is actually the "Nexus" from Generations which allows Burntham & MaRey Sue to play out their ideal paths on screen, while actual movie/tv canon for both IPs is left in tact because NOTHING HAPPENS TO IT.

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8) To conclude my point is Thus.
We were here first and made the mistake of sharing with Fake Fans who called us Racist, Homophobic, Mysoginistic Bigots for our trouble.
We will not give up or back down.
These fandoms are ours.

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