Introducing Dr. Carrion, the Delusional Doctor.

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Pic#1727: 'this awful obligation to have something to say ..

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Pic#1703: 'hail the light, the dark, and the grey

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It's I'm Gabriela concept artist and illustrator currently working at Bardel. I love drawing fantastical things, especially if it involves a lot of fabric. I also write and draw my own comic Carrion Song ❤️

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Pic#1693: 'But of that invisible soul pervading reality ..

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Pic#1674: 'will you please, kindly DIG it ..

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A Carrion House illustration for 'Ashes and Entropy,' from Nightscape Press.

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have up to 3m wing span, prefer wide non-forested areas such as the cliffs, and in which make for more successful as well as offer safe areas for nesting and raising their young.

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A new Carrion House illustration supporting a new essay over at Mad Scientist Journal:

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今までにマスターやっててルールとかを覚えるのにちょうど良かったのは、Legacy of Fireの1作目、Howl of the Carrion King(腐肉王の咆哮)。

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Pic#1654: Your hardest times often lead to the greatest ..

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Happy to present the final Rider of the Apocalypse I did for RuneScape's halloween event this year; Famine the Carrion Aviansie! A...

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Carrion My Wayward Son, oil and acrylic on canvas, 12x16":

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