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Hi, I am an illustrator that mostly draw monster/creatures
with watercolor and inkbrush style

hope you enjoy my artworks!
thank you

34 205


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68 582


※転載使用禁止。※Do not repost my artworks.
※翻訳機を使用しています。※We use a translator.

176 1333

イラスト集【Jun&Yuri Artworks 2】は委託通販中です!!2018~2021年の版権イラストをまとめた本です。艦これ、FGO、プリコネ等のイラストを収録します!!💙



16 84

I saw the Mio undies official concept art picture and I got them completely wrong in all my Mio artworks. This part was the closest I got.

66 1136

last one (3) ⚠️ NFSW full Variation pixiv only
https://www.pixiv. net/en/artworks/117356885 (full).
shit! i can't hold myself again😫

49 398

for recent things its probably all my art that included a lot of innovades (1/3) or that i put a lot of effort into (2) but im also still really proud of all the large artworks ive done in the past (like the last one) !

0 4

イラスト集【Jun&Yuri Artworks】はちょっと再販しました!2013~2017年のイラストをまとめたフルカラー本です。艦これイラストを中心に、版権イラストやお仕事絵などを収録します!!✨



28 133


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※翻訳機を使用しています。※We use a translator.

1034 9160