“I’ll come back for you sweetheart, I promise”
I just really love her okay? The background was inspired by and her beautiful backgrounds she does💖

4 14

reposting my old artwork :)
babies all arounddddd!

48 182

✨Need Some Help?✨

A little “BENtterfly” and “REYmoth” doodle to brighten your day.

75 281

I love the idea that after millions of years, Rey and Ben are reincarnated and they still have their bond. They’re a dyad after all, connected through space and time!!!

31 106

So much wasted POTENTIAL!! I wish TROS gave us good guys Hux and Ben bickering at the Resistance Base. I think Ben would laugh when he found out Hux was the spy.

15 55

because Rey has become unrelatable because of that ending. Showing no sign of mourning for her soulmate? That‘s just cruel. Don‘t let her story end this way. She waited for her parents for 15 years. She would get her man back at all cost!

54 127

She defeated Palpatine,
but she is his granddaughter..

Without she couldn't conquer the Dark side within her....

The war is just beginning, it's time to the last Skywalker to rise again

85 201

i promised butterfly ben, so take this doodle of animal crossing butterfly ben!! feel free to use as an icon, just credit if you do!!

19 31

I never post this late but yolo...wet Kylo💦#kyloren

337 1270

Особенно интересно наблюдать за изменениями в Бене, которые показаны благодаря недавнему комиксу, новым выпускам мультфильма о круглых персонажах ЗВ и в целом по Адаму Драйверу в роли Бена-Кайло

3 6

Добавим света в нашу вечернюю обстановку, в очередной раз восхищаясь их общей силе и тяге друг к другу

4 9

I never added the additions to this 😭 behold, the story of how high school/hockey player au gets his scar 👀 https://t.co/7BTMXUYEB9

61 225

Our boy need a second chance.
everyone loves Ben Solo. He has become a symbol of hope for all of us.
Bring him back please

12 21

Give us the chance to have more of him... to have a hopeful ending to the saga we have loved and cherished our whole lives.

5 3

Reality is full of unfairness and sadness.
Give us a balm to all the things we have no choice but to suffer. Give us happy stories. A happy ending for Ben.

10 6