🦋💙Hey Thanks For All The Love💙🦋

In light of the recent events regarding our favorite Dark Space Butterfly Prince. All I can say is and we always will!

43 103

✨I’ll always come back to you, Sweetheart✨

Sounds like a Solo Promise

67 236

I had a mental breakdown after that so this is the new version, I did some minor adjustment that are probably not visible but I see them and now I'm feeling much better about this. Happy Easter again to everyone! 🎉

23 106

B: Solo to “Captain Scrunch”
R: 😡
B: 😇
R: That was a really stupid move back there!
B: I know😏
R: You could’ve died!!!
B: But I didn’t😏
R: I hate you Ben Solo😫
B: No you don’t ❤️

Rey doesn’t like when her idiot fiancé improvises in battle.

43 156

✨Need Some Help?✨

A little “BENtterfly” and “REYmoth” doodle to brighten your day.

75 281

Tormented heir to the legacy.
The heroine’s soulmate.
Leia‘s only child.
Han‘s boy.

They killed him.

40 113

✨And They Lived Happily Ever After✨

In honor of who’s enchanting art inspired me and made many of us believe that even the broken, lost, sad and loneliest of people deserve “happily ever afters”

90 288

Kylo Ren poster and badge in the new "Star Wars Galaxy" magazine (issue 11 - March 2020)

0 1

"The Rise of Kylo Ren" comic series is a masterpiece. It's so good. Hightly recommend it. Hoping for a sequel and more Ben Solo alive post TROS.

4 18

"Your mother's gone, but what she stood for, what she fought for, that's not gone, Ben"

General new leader of the Resistance

Credit photo starwars_kyloren_rey

20 64

Kylo Ren "Star Wars Insider" magazine cover (2018 Special Edition)

0 1

Aaand color. If ppl don’t find this one at least 10x more compelling than the grayscale one, think I’m gonna stick w the grayscale process.

38 161


Ben: But Ren... You said you would... release them.

Ren: Yep! I did. The knights of Ren actually KILL people, kid...

Ben: But... But I don’t want to kill people🥺

Oh baby❤️... 😭😭😭

3 14

Hey I need some inspiration for another benXrey piece but I want to give Rey a gorgeous dress (wish she was given one in IX) can you please drop a picture comment below of what you’d like to see?

7 42

And this is the cover.

It's for all the people who supported me, especially my Italians reylo (GIOIE VI AMO) and all the internet friends I made here!💜
Read it here⬇

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