Sunday Cartoon: N.C. Congressman Mark Meadows is one of the biggest Trump toadies in Congress, though I'm afraid too many North Carolinians don't know who he is. At present he is leading the charge of the Freedom Caucus to impeach Rosenstein.

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Ann Telnaes
WaPo Cartoonist

Republicans on House Intelligence Committee report—no Russia collusion; Freedom House Caucus draft articles of impeachment against Rosenstein.

🔸 'Republicans Continue to Cover for Trump,' 1 May 2018. Ann Telnaes. WaPo.

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Oh dear America when will you wake up to see what your President is doing to your great Country..its time act before its too late' the Art below apart from the Statue of Liberty I panted before Mr Trump came to power and how it foretold future events...Impeach act now.

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The idea to arm teachers in the US is not only a terrible idea but a clear indication of Trump's poor mental health

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