“Then he growled, with his Grinch fingers nervously drumming,
‘I must find some way to keep Biden’s administration from coming!‘”

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It appears Mark Meadows has suddenly remembered who truly holds lordship over his political career & has decided to ignore & sue the Jan. 6 committee

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Gratuitous yet appropriately fitting art I made last month is suddenly relevant again.


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Dear fox after watching I wondered how he doesn't bust up laughing when he interviewed who claims he never heard of can you give him the memo ? I applaud Chris for his ability to keep a straight face.

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Sunday Cartoon: N.C. Congressman Mark Meadows is one of the biggest Trump toadies in Congress, though I'm afraid too many North Carolinians don't know who he is. At present he is leading the charge of the Freedom Caucus to impeach Rosenstein.

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