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Lachlan and Unikitty: Guns?!

Twilight: You heard me.

Rainbow Dash: Y’AARR!! *draws her pirate pistol* YOU’LL NEVER GET OUR TREASURE, CAPTAIN GILDA!!

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Lachlan: I’ll hide the gold doubloons under the tables, I’ll hide the brooches in the fridges, and I’ll hide the chocolate bunny in my tummy!

Angel: Wait, I’m not a chocolate- *CHOMP!*

Unikitty: Arr! Is the treasure safe, first mate dingo?

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Rarity: Oh dear oh dear, not Nega Lachlan!!

Pinkie Pie: Nega Lachlan?! Where?!

Applejack: *shudder* Nega Lachlan gives me the creeps!

Unikitty: ...Who?

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Lachlan: But... I can relate to Discord too...

Discord: *peers in unnoticed*

Lachlan: ...not having any friends for a long time, then one special pony gives us a chance at friendship... he has Fluttershy and I have Rainbow Dash...

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Lachlan: Nope! That’s behind Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: *giggles*

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Scootaloo: Ready Lachlan. To celebrate Rainbow Dash Day, I have a to give to Rainbow Dash's voice actress, !

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Matthew/Techno Lightning: Happy Rainbow Dash Day!
Serena/Candy Dancer: What do you think of my Rainbow Dash outfit? Does it make me 20% cooler?
Rainbow Dash: 40% cooler, Candy. I'm in the mood for a
Lachlan: Ready Scootaloo?

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Lachlan: *takes Unikitty’s paw and walks her to the Bucket O Sushi, making her blush a little*

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Lachlan: Okay Junior, you be nice and get to know Angel better. And remember; Do not eat him, because that’s daddy’s job.

Junior: Yes daddy!

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Applejack: I see, but you don’t got to be nervous about asking us girls for help, we love helping you with anything and everything!

Lachlan: Really? You do?

*the rest of the girls show up*

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Lachlan’s stuck in one of Applejack’s pails!

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Lachlan: *he gets closer to his “doom”* Rainbow, no wait- *too late*

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Lachlan: *realises there’s no escape* Uh-oh, now I really AM puppy chow!

Rainbow Dash: *comedically shakes some salt on him while humming a song*

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Fluttershy: I see, but until then, I think Rainbow Dash wants to play our “game” too.

Lachlan: Heheh, there’s no way she can catch me!

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Lachlan: Race you for him! *he gives chase to Angel*

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Unikitty: Those poor little wisps..!

Lachlan: Um... guys? W-Where’s Yacker?

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Fluttershy: And there’s a were-dingo!

Nega Lachlan: *growling fiercely*

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Lachlan: Like that one?

Puppycorn: *hiding, making ghostly noises* Oooooohhhhh~!

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