Serena/Sailor Moon: She's just like me, only with turquoise hair.
Hatsune Miku: Except without the hairball thingies on my head!
Twilight Sparkle: And now, Jenny Wakeman will give out a

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Sweetie Belle: Hayden was also the voice of Kairi in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. My favourite Kairi line is "Sora, you lazy bum!"
Spike: Come on, Sweetie Belle, somepony needs to give Cathy and Hayden a

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Matthew/Techno Lightning: Happy Rainbow Dash Day!
Serena/Candy Dancer: What do you think of my Rainbow Dash outfit? Does it make me 20% cooler?
Rainbow Dash: 40% cooler, Candy. I'm in the mood for a
Lachlan: Ready Scootaloo?

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