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Okay but: body paint and decals as low-caste fashion (especially popular among CCs distinguishing themselves from batchmates). Rodimus is just bitter about Thunderclash because somehow no one ever calls his chest piece trashy (+ losing his own decals. He liked those flames!)

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☁ It's not you, baby, it's just me ☁ I don't believe what I just lost ☁

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I cannot tell you how much I fucking want Ako's jacket from Gridman (she's based on Shattered Glass Thundercracker)

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"Thank you. You revealed the truth when no other cat could."

for 's

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Although I don't like the prismacolor, this is my version of "Reptilio" drawing made on March 11, 2004.

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Thunderclan gang....Redeye, Bumblestar, Pebbleheart, and Moondapple

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Uhh here’s an old drawing of thundercracker-

I might work on it more in future

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thundercats 2011. no more words needed.

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Dustpelt. Love this grumpy boy and his truly fantastic architectural skills. ThunderClan’s dens have never been cooler.

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Brindleface and her kits, Fernpaw(left) and Ashpaw(right). I think we all knew Tigerstar was going DOWN the second he messed with the best mom in ThunderClan.

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Speckletail and Smallear. The crotchety elders that would definitely smack annoying apprentices and warriors with a walking stick if they had hands.

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