Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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My first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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Creatures of Cipactli (Aztec)
A monstrous crocodile-like being with additional mouths adorned on its joints. The manifestation of hunger, eventually devouring all of creation. The body of a slain Cipactli is told to be the land upon which Humans tread.

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Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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My first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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The Weird Cineclub of the Diabolical Dr.Carelli is here to help you recreate a variety of double features at home: Doctor Doom (R.Cardona, 1963) and Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec Mummy (R. Cardona,1964)

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Here's my YouTube Banner which is based off of the artsyle of Aztec Codices like The Codex Borgia, Since I'm a vampire of mesoamerican heritage.

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If I ever happened to be an aztec god of fitness... which EinTheBusinessDear though while making this art. Man, I'm pretty swollen and hairy. I wonder if that's what Freya imagines me like this, who knows?

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Tonight, I am joined by for the movie THE CURSE OF THE AZTEC MUMMY! from 1957.

Come watch this bear tear this mummy apart.

9pm EST/6pm PST

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My first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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My first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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My first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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My first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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My first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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How about my first 1/1 of 2022!
Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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