



7730 11569

Unhappy Aztec Jaguar Warrior

57 568

1st European map of Tenochtitlan, capital of Aztec Empire, made in 1524 CE.

Mural of city made by Diego Rivera in 1945. City was built on an island in what was then Lake Texcoco, left Hernán Cortes' men in awe and many of them wondered if they were dreaming.

210 793

Mexico in Warhammer.
- Aztecs
- Catholics
- Cartels

89 658

14/**a portrait of a person with colorful eye, and his hands out, in the style of psychedelic realism, zbrush, organic formations, made of all of the above, neon color palette, aztec art, emphasizes emotion over realism --v 5**

(Original Left)

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my heroine…My mother forever…
gave all beings the ability to love because of his love for you, yet the sacrifice you made because you loved him became an eternal pain in his heart.

9 46

Este es Javier un joven con poderes que aún no sé que darle pero lo que si se es que tendrá que ver con los aztecas

1 1

A Succubus, In aspect and in the human, feminine and seductive. Arisen from women who died with great hatred and were turned into punishing by the goddesses of the underworld.

29 172

gm Fam!
By combining the Ancient myths, the power of the Anime Aztecs and Artificial Intellegence we created the AI-NIMEAZTECS

6 10

👀(I added a little interaction for both of them)
mischievously pestered while he was dressing up in the early morning😘💙

3 16

Evelyn in two contrasting styles, and the remirealistic style that she was practicing.

After developing as Cihuanotzqui (romantic spells), with 4 daughters.

10 91

Strong historical story with the original lineup versus a lightweight bit of comedy. Should be an easy win for Aztecs, but if the last few years have shown anything it’s never to trust people not to vote the wrong way. 😉😜 https://t.co/G4m6JfK97i

2 18

Con la baja de Damm, me preocupa el saber quién va a prender los fuegos artificiales 🧨 en el Azteca 🏟️
¡Suerte en tus futuras ferias y jaripeos, Jürgen!

10 82

I’m currently drawing Aztec Sombra and Demon Ashe (or whatever the skin is called)

I’ve noticed that since I joined Twitter I have only been drawing the same 5 characters, gonna draw Junker Queen after just to mix it up. Possibly because I like drawing abs idk :p

3 18

Free in Kindle Unlimited!
enemies-to-lovers, Promise magic, a corrupt Aztec-inspired dragon centric empire. How far can one go when they've lost everything they hold dear?

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