I drew this like last month for a larger project
since it's been canned it's bummed me out a bit due to the fact that this is the best drawing I've made of myself

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im not dead i swear. anyway here's a Satania i made for my friend when they were pretty bummed out that there wasn't any inflation pics of her at all too our knowledge. Also good news i finally got a pc so no more samsung tablet to draw on. so expect more higher quality pics

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2015 : 2018 : 2019

I’m kinda bummed I couldn’t find any of my older pieces to see my improvement, but this is what I got to show.

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Got laid off this week. Despite feeling extremely bummed I’m trying to stay focus, keep my head down, and work. Here’s the rest of this monster design.

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still open for stressed doodles ! get in on the party where we all are bummed and hangin out in diff corners💦🎉 | sketch: 20usd | w/flats: 30 | shiny in space: 35 | Please reply or DM if interested ! :'

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really bummed abt what happened to such a sweet angel did not deserve that at all!!! wish i had more of her precious art but I only have one of my Habbo & this one I treasure v much! You’ll get back up on ur feet kimmy! ♥️

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I woke up this morning and... Holy shit, that's more likes and reblogs than I've ever gotten before. I guess Tumblr's not so dying after all...

Also kinda bummed I missed 666 notes by one lol

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I always get bummed out whenever I remember that Gangrel doesn't have a lot of merch

and then I realized I can just make my own

so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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A month ago, I talked about the new Conan title from Marvel & how much I like it. Yesterday they relaunched Savage Sword of Conan & again I am impressed! Honestly, I’m bummed it isn’t the larger magazine size format like the old Savage Swords, but aside from that, I’m happy. :)

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Ask me stuff about Honeydew I’m bummed out

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Couldn't even sell a few copies of to my LCS.

Owner said they don't deal with small press. Really? I'm just a local creator.

Talk about bummed.

Makes me appreciate my 184 backers. https://t.co/W19n6XFBnE

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Had to leave work early because sick. Kinda bummed because apparently it's 24 hour comic day thing and in my current state I doubt I would survive the attempt.

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damn, bummed to hear about jonas mekas. last night i watched "reminiscences of a journey to lithuania" (it is lovely) and took some screenshots to draw from later. here they are, then

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just went on a journey over here looking at the comic work i did a few years back. im bummed i never continued with this. this art was really, really fun.

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And, while I'm at it, here are the entries for . I'm really bummed I dont have much as far as new art . I injured my hand during the Summer and While I'm happy to draw, I'm not at full strength. anyone?

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still super bummed out that serpaz isnt real

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Just ordered my and : Interactive Introverts DVD and I'm very excited! I was really bummed out that I couldn't go to their show like last year since I was moving to CA. But now, I can finally watch it with my mom who is a big fan of Dan's videos. ;D

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Eir’s design is pretty, tho part of me is kinda bummed she didn’t get that cool see-through glowy skin look like the other Book III characters. Can’t tell if it’s a plot point or not. 🤷‍♀️

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