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Ilustración que he dibujado para @BilbaoCentro dentro las iniciativas comerciales que, conjuntamente con el @AthleticClub, desarrollan con motivo de las finales de Copa de los días 3 y 17 de abril. Eskerrik asko! Puuuuños fueraaaaaaa!!!! #MazingerZ #Marcelino
@MehrWiel Gehena Qüitter Niña proveniente de un monasterio y que tiene curiosas habilidades.
Y también esta la Dra Wesker... una Oc que la tengo pensado para el Sin Verse. Siempre se me olvida terminarla. XD Actuara a modo de competidora villana de Lisa Loud.
When Wesker talks about having ‘superior dna’ he means still having a better set of hair at 48 than Barry at 38. 😆
The deadly Albert's attack he performances during last boss fight in #RE5 is the special art he has in #Teppen.
Albert does that in Jill's story too
I love cross over which has so many references to original games*.*
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH25th #AlbertWesker #JillValentine
Hau Gizaki mordoa! Mila esker parte hartzaile guztiei! ❤️
#zureestiloanmarraztu #gizaki #gentzdelvalle #gentz #anaitasuna @komikipedia @XABIROIkomikia @EIrudigileak @plazaberri
I made this in honour of international women’s month (I’m a bit late for the day) my favourite resident evil ladies! And can’t wait for #ResidentEvilVillage #REBHFun #REBH25th #alexwesker #alexiaashford #InternationalWomensDay #alcinadimitrescu
This is for you @thesmollestbirb-
Albert Wesker
He would make any sacrifice to bring everyone
into his perfect world. Is there no one who
can see the wickedness hidden in his mercy?
#TEPPEN #MobileWallpaper #ADarkAgenda
Horra zortzigarrena! #gentzdelvalle|ren #gizaki, Anaitasuna aldizkarian ikusia. Eta eskerrik asko beste behin @josevisky|ri erronka hauen bidez #euskalkomikia|ren ezagutza bultzatzeagatik!
#zureestiloanmarraztu #komikia #comic #comicstrip #bd #drawthisinyourstyle #gentz
Albert Whiskers is here and he wants
Complete. Global. Caturation
He may also wants to scratch Chris his eyes out
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #albertwesker
2012 or 2013
Made around the time of Resident Evil 6
It's my most despised RE game gameplay-wise, however I did like a lot of the character interactions in it
I have mixed feelings about Jake Wesker now, but his chemistry with Sherry was interesting
Wesker Vs Psidrun:
hope you all been fine ^^ these couple of weeks. I’m sorry to be so inactive on Twitter, working on some stuff for friends and a personal project I’m excited to get started on. For now enjoy this fight with Psidrun :3 who belongs to @DistortGiratina https://t.co/aL2STwkT46
Aste hontan berandu xamar baina beti bezain gogotsu! @josevisky|ren erronkari nere 6. erantzuna: #mattin handiaren #kattalingorri, #ipurbeltz mitikoan ikusia. Milesker berriz ere ariketa partekatu eder honengatik!
#zureestiloanmarraztu #marraztuhauzureestiloan #komikia #bd #comic
53 Gartxot denetara! Mila esker parte-hartzaile guztiei! Biba zuek eta gora Gartxot!! #zureestiloanmarraztu #gartxot @gatobazka