I got back commissions two days in a row! I commissioned to draw a "Carrie"-inspired pic of Alexia, and this is the beautiful result! Thank you so much -- I love it! 💜🐜👑

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Here's a random but fun paralleled between Tomb Raider & Resident Evil - A large selection of the main villains are Blonde!!! XD

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Happy Code Veronica Day! I'm looking forward to finishing Alexia up and shooting her in Feb 😊 Got the perfect location picked for her!

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Ever notice how the valkyrie on Claire's "Let Me Live" logo looks kind of like Alexia?

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I made this in honour of international women’s month (I’m a bit late for the day) my favourite resident evil ladies! And can’t wait for

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Code Veronica is old enough to drink! (In the United States) Happy 21st Anniversary!

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3/6. Половина пути пройдена.
Подобный стиль слишком непривычен. Набью руку на нём позже, но опыт необычен :)

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Это уже что-то вроде черновой зарисовки к фику. Эпизод пошёл под нож и переоформлен в драббл

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I have some old art I'd like to share!
This is when I first played Code Veronica x. I got really intrigued by the ashford twins and their insane story. Ngl I miss them. 👀

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Here are more edits/aesthetics I made for and even for

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my favourite woman in video games
artist by Chaos-Draco

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