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One is fluid in presentation, the other are femmes hehe
Brenyn in particular is 🏳️‍⚧️!! https://t.co/Nql6yXctwY

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Contemporary artist

Master of contemporary NFTs

"Les femmes de Dieu"


owned by https://t.co/4YqgG7Ov84

make a new offer here:


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That's basically Henry Kuttner's The Dark World, except the dude get yeeted to another world and femme Sauron is like "Yes, I am your girlfriend, you are the Dark Lord, but I'm totally not conniving behind your back with an infinite abyss of demons."

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my femme had a very very cute outfit, but i did not capture a good photo of it.... take my butch pass away from me rn........

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Zevent Zapping n°8 : Ne donnez jamais une arme à cette femme, elle se transforme🤍

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Meurtres en série sous couvert de "refus d'obtempérer" :

- Tours le 10/09 = 1 Homme
- Rennes le 07/09 = 1 Femme
- Nice le 07/09 = 1 H
- Vénissieux le 19/08 = 2 H
- Grenoble le 07/07 = 1 H
- Paris le 04/06 = 1 F
- Paris le 24/04 = 2 H
- Sevran le 26/03 = 1 H

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Encore des hashtag pourri en TT, alors je vais continuer de balancer des dessins et de la bonne humeur ✨ (de gauche à droite et de haut en bas) :

- Tea (elle/iel), demigirl

- Héma (elle), femme trans

- Yaël (iel), nonbinaire

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"Untitled (Femme au Jourdan)"

In this painting I wanted something different. I wanted a piece that could relate me to life and animals, while still feeling safe in my own skin. I wanted this painting to be a beacon of light.

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personal headcanon for 2003 Leo is that he’s intersex and uses he/him pronouns but presents femme

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D'ailleurs, grosse masterclass Hancock dans le chapitre d'aujourd'hui..

On aime les femmes fortes et bien badass ici 😼

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this is the design i came up with for her. it’s originally based off my design for wren, a character i never got to play, but then i came up with the idea of her being a wannabe makeup artist so her look to a hard femme pivot

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My favorite example of this is Jessica Rabbit.

Yes she is objectified. Yes she is an object of desire. Yes she is the epitome of what they like to call 'the male gaze'

She is what makes the film so spectacular. Because it's a noir piece and she is the femme fatale, you expect

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"It's so sexy and powerful. She's a femme fatale who really looks like she's going to appear in Street Fighters or King of Fighters. The red clothes, intense eyes, and quiet bamboo forest contrasted to show the painting more completely."

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Connaissez-vous Yolande de Polastron(Polignac) ?
C'est une personne qui a vécu à la même époque que Marie-Antoinette.
Elle est la plus belle femme du monde🇫🇷

Je vous souhaite le meilleur dans vos futurs projets.

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...et un pour la beauté de l’après-midi 🌹

...Femme aux fleurs blanches, encre et huile sur papier.

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James Tissot, Woman of Cairo (Femme de Caire), 1886-1887 or 1889 https://t.co/oveX4x2nrt

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i finished this two days ago but schools been kicking my ass so hard i literally forgot until now. anyways this is jean. ur standard detective trying to solve their own murder but get this: they're a hot lesbian. now taking femme applications

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