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Happy Birthday!
⭐︎Ronnie Laws
1950年10月3日テキサス州 ヒューストン生まれ。71歳
Hubert Lawsは兄、Eloise Laws、Debra Lawsは妹。 Earth, Wind & Fireアルバム「Last Days and Time」の頃はE,W&Fのメンバーとしても活躍。ソロとしても「Always There」('75)等のヒットがあります

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Hubert "Firefly" Goodman, an avid moviegoer and a mega fan of the Star Wars and Marvel franchises, a know it all of the trivia behind the two mega franchises and is quite the talker when it comes to movies.
If you end up watching a movie with him, you're in for a lot of facts!

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September's fanart is Hubert from FE3H.

HD version and PSD download are available on my Pvtreon.

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I drew this while I was listening 'Ave Maria' by Schubert. I'm not Catholic, but this song gives me great comfort and peace.

✨1/1, 3000*3000px, 300dpi, 0.0777 ETH


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par Anton Kannemeyer
(auteur sud-africain de Bittercomix, montré en ce moment avec Conrad Botes à la galerie Huberty & Breyne Paris, pour une expo qui interroge les codes de la pornographie...)

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헨리 스틱민 x 리사 폭스
빅토리아 그릿 : 사막여우
휴버트 게일포스 : 저먼 셰퍼드

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Mon ami Hubert Griffe est sur Patreon n'hésitez pas à allez checker son travail ❤️ https://t.co/NgUZny9g7t

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I hate to fight you on this but the resemblance of the face shape between hubert’s portrait and jeffree star is uncanny

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This entire thread gives me life!! My picks are Rupert’s cracker, Pooh’s hunny, King Hubert’s Turkey leg, and Briar Rose’s Sad looking birthday cake 🤣

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🎹Ansel Schubert🎹

° Firm faced and stern, that is the best way to describe Ansel Schubert. He's known to work in the Forensics Department of the Los Angeles Police Department, alongside Ema Skye. He's known to be Austrian in Origin, and his Viennese accent remains strong--

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Penguins! Rockhopper Ferdie gifting Emperor Penguin Hubert the shiniest pebble he could find

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Thanks for doing this! Congrats on 15k followers! My favorite ships: timeskip Bernadetta/Hubert, Bernadetta/Seteth, TS Hubert/f.Byleth, TS Felix/Bernadetta, TS Linhardt/Lysithea, Byleth/Seteth. I have more but I had to control myself 😅.

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흑수리반에서 제일 성장이 돋보이는 캐릭 하나 더
5년간 전쟁은 린하르트랑 다른 의미로 휴베르트를 성장시켰다 싶네요

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Dorothea x Hubert comic

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