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Sensible used car mod forum poster Kanji is still somehow more offensive to me, inexplicably, along with The Naoto That Shall Not Be Discussed

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oh hey sorry for not uploading anything :'c
I have been very busy doing commissions ;-;
please take this "special" traditional commission!
(also I know miku is written with the first kanji of rice, but it was a gift and I like rice)

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Good evenyan and welcome to my 70th daily featuring 王, king or ruler!

Eagles are very majestic birds, but I'm a little concerned that this one seems to want to land on my head. Those talons look pretty sharp.

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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🗓️3/19 (土) 8PM

Young Dalu

with Featuring Artist
Hideyoshi / OSAMI / Big Mike / Sakura / Celeina Ann /
Masato from ARES INWORDS / Asiff / Jelly One



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New collection "Jillustration" has been released!
Kanji x Illustration = Jillustration

I'll be adding characters imagined by the kanji! Please have a look! 😊


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Samurai Undyne.
This is what happens after you tell her that Anime is real. If you want to know, that kanji means "determination"

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アントニオ猪木(Kanji Inoki)小学生の頃のテレビと言えば自分の場合ロボットアニメとプロレスの二択。そして金曜日の夜8時と言えば『ワールドプロレスリング』。そして最強のヒーローが猪木である事は疑い様のない事実。ヒーローが病魔ごときに負ける訳がないのです。ボンバイエ!
Happy Birthday!!

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kanji and naoto enjoying the sunny weather ☀️💗#Persona4

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Small sketch for the JP vtuber I mentioned earlier!
The kanji the image means "Unity" And represents my goal to try bring together EN, JP, and even other region's indie v-tubers. I hope that even across the language barrier, we can stand in solidarity as a community.

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Looking Cool Kazuya! ~😎💕🎶
(So apparently if you draw Kazuya in Kanji it becomes 18! so today is a Kazuya day! Haha)

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Good evenyan, and welcome to my 66th daily featuring 正, justice! It can also mean correct.

You'll often see super sentai and other super heroes referred to as 正義のヒーロー, seigi no hero, heroes of justice.

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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It's Kanjiru. Giratina Priest, Hemomancer, and general nuisance.

Art by

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Decided to add a background to my cherry blossom painting, might remove the Phoenix AND Koi later and rework the kanji but eh it’s something

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senju chapter 242 sorry kanji error im not good at it although japanese is not my language.

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