Good afternyan, and here's my daily featuring 麦, wheat/barley!

It took me a while to work out how to remember this kanji, but it's best remembered as a sheaf of wheat sticking up out of the ground with the roots below.

Thanks and また明日!

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Welcome to my today featuring 馬, horse!

This is another kanji where it strongly resembles its concept - you have the barrel-like body, four legs, and a tail. Sometimes it's easier to do that than to break it down into components.


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Good afternyan, and here's my featuring 食, eating!

This is another tough one to associate; I think of this as a person wearing a hat putting food in their mouth, thus "eating".

Why the hat? To keep the sun off, of course. ^_^


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Good afternyan and welcome to my featuring 理, logic!

Think of this as the process or arrangement of logic - so you have to carefully shape it. So 王 is shaped with the 里.

Fun fact, this kanji originally referred to processing jade.


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And here's my latest 工, meaning craft!

This looks like one of those big wooden cablespools to me; my mom painted and decorated them and then made stuff on them, so it stuck in my head really well.

I hope that helps you remember too! また明日!

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Good afternyan, and welcome to my today featuring 答, solution/answer!

It was hard to come up with a mnemonic to remember this with; the best I could do was going into the bamboo 竹 to meet 合 the answer.

I'd love to hear any ideas you have!

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ようこそ! I'm resuming my daily kanjistudy, and today features 曜, day of the week.

Many times this is translated "weekday", and it covers all the days of the week:

日曜 (Su)
月曜 (M)
火曜 (Tu)
水曜 (W)
木曜 (Th)
金曜 (F)
土曜 (Sa)

にゃりがとう! またにゃ!

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Continuing with my here's the next in the sequence, 兄, or older brother!

Thankfully, this one is pretty memorable - a mouth (口) with a pair of legs attached. Do big brothers being talkative cross cultures?

Thanks for reading, またにゃ!

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For today's I'm featuring 父, father!

Like with 母, you use ちち for your own father and とうさん for someone else's father. I'm not really sure why both kanji have this irregular reading, it's pretty neat!

Thanks for stopping by, またにゃ!

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Welcome to my today I'm featuring 親, parent!

I like how this uses 立, 木, 見 (stand, tree, see), and I remember it as "a child has to stand in a tree to look their parents in the eye".


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Hello and welcome to my everynyan! Today I'm covering 線,, line or track.

This is a really elegant kanji - it consists of 糸, thread, 白, white, and 水, water. Exactly what's needed to describe a trail!


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Welcome to my everynyan! Today I'm featuring 広, wide. ^_^

Interestingly, it looks like this kanji actually came from the kind of long wall-less hallway you often see in classical Japanese houses.

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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Welcome to my everynyan, and thanks for coming! Today's kanji is 太, plump/thick!

It differs from 大, big, by one stroke. As far as I can tell, this primarily refers to 'weight' as opposed to simply being big.

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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Good evenyan! I'm sorry for the delay, so here's today's 形, shape!

I remember this one because it looks like a torii gate plus cat scratches, so I think of a shapeshifting cat passing through the gate.

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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Welcome to my and today I'm featuring 半, half!

This is a really useful kanji that you can use to show lots of relationships (like more than half, less than half, half of something, half of a quantity, etc). ^_^

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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Good evenyan and welcome to my 70th daily featuring 王, king or ruler!

Eagles are very majestic birds, but I'm a little concerned that this one seems to want to land on my head. Those talons look pretty sharp.

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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Good evenyan, it's time for featuring 左, meaning left!

This kanji is made up of two components, one that means "left hand" and the other meaning "tool", 工. In other words, the hand that assists.

Pretty cool how the parts add up, huh? ^_^

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Good evenyan! Here's my featuring: 八, 8! ^_^

Like many kanji, this one originally had a different meaning of separation, and was used as a sound loan.

Similar to how the English sound for 8 is pronounced the same as "ate".

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