New series featuring some of the secondary Anunnaki characters. Sina is the chief of security at the Maputo base.

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Lots has been written about the connection between ancient Egypt and Sirius. How could the Egyptians have posessed all the astronomical knowledge?

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Cleopatra...Egyptian queen of queens. Was she guided by aliens and was her involvement with the Roman Empire preplanned?

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The Akonowai bird aliens are a beautiful and coloful race of Sirians from the 3rd planet of Sirius B.

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Recreation of Osiris who was a celebrated Egyptian god brutally killed by Set for supremacy of the throne of Egypt.

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William S. Burroughs: His Search for “The Visitors. "I get these messages from other planets. I’m apparently some kind of agent from another planet but I haven’t got my orders clearly decoded yet."– W. S. Burroughs

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The classic Zeta Greys as they're experienced in abductions are still the image most people have of what extraterrestrials look like.


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Pegasians are a humanoid blue-skinned race that colonized a planet in the Sirius B planet.


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Recreation of the Rukma Vimana based on the Sanskrit text Vaimanika Sastra from the early 20th century. Could this really fly?


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