New Post: Rainbow Dash's Birth-Aversary on Feb 1st!

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Thank you everyone who came to hang out and celebrate my one year streamaversary! I'm so grateful for all the support and kind words and I'm proud of be part of our little community <3

Thank you to also who drew this lovely picture of me, Alex and the buns! :D

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RUSKIN SPEAR🇬🇧 1911-1990🖌️
" Cat and the Flower at the table"

Ai gatti riesce senza fatica ciò che resta negato all’uomo: attraversare la vita senza fare rumore.
Ernest Hemingway 🎀

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Banlist Wanderer

Ban :
-Kaguya, Déesse Scellée de la Lune (DBV-095)

Deban :
-Griffon Traversant les Ténèbres (LEL-059)
-Guenièvre, la Reine Jalouse (SDAO1-009 ; TTW-027 - VS01-024)
-Lumia, la Renaissance Destinée (LEL-071)
-Tell a Fairy Tale (CMF-017)

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Quante oscurità
occorre traversare
per divenire luminosi

Mio cuore sbranato,
cuore niente,
e tu

Donna dagli occhi silenziosi

lo raccogli come acqua nel palmo
e lo fai
di te

Davide Rondoni

A.Modigliani, Jeune fille rousse ( Jeanne ) 1918

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« Franchir le Rubicon »

Le Rubicon marque la frontière entre la République de et la Gaule cisalpine.

Jules César la traversa avec son armée la nuit du 9 au 10 janvier 49 avant J.-C.

Il le franchit en disant : « Alea jacta est » – « le sort en est jeté »

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A Megaversal saga from of demonic annihilation on Rifts Earth and beyond - 2 offers through Mon 27 Jan - Rifts Minion War:
/Rifts Essentials:

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Aversa in plague doctor outfit

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Since it’s our friendaversary I’m sharing the weird cat I drew for you,
2 years of peach crush drinking and discussing how cursed queenie is

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Happy birthday to Fukumatsu Shinya, the voice of Baromon in Kaida Yuki (), who played Gomamon in Lilithmon in and Kuga Yuuya in (and Decode)...

🎂 🎉

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MY DIAVERSARY! I so hope to offer ‘hope & encouragement’ to younger T1s & their families. ENORMOUS thanks owed as if born just 35 years earlier, I’d have not seen my 3rd birthday! Also to our fabulous NHS for wonderful care! Join me in raising a 🍷later to mark 63 great T1 yrs!

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Something lil spicy... Aversa bathtime. 🛀🧼🌸

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Quanti riflessi fa quest'acqua
verde come una rete d'oro, una
specie di rete perché il sole, in
realtà, che fa il disegno. I pesci
infatti l'attraversano senza restarci.

J M W Turner

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Mi persi nell attimo
in cui sbocciare volli

appresi l'indicibile soffio
e nel respiro mi contenni

Pudica la via voce
nel soffrire del vano tempo

ma io rimasi indenne
attraversando il matido sguardo


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Martín Chirino (1925-2019) “Mediterránea” (1972)

Fabienne Verdier (1962)
Saint Christophe traversant les eaux II, 2011

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Solar Ash Kingdom

"Journey through a surreal and stylized world filled with high-speed traversal and massive enemies in the next game from the creators Hyper Light Drifter."


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Ogni volta che un animale attraversa la strada mentre guido:

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Hound Haversack so cute!!!😆

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