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No freedom of speech in even you spoke in foreign they will arrest you when back to HK, HK is dead no "one country two system" no

2 6

No any freedom of speech in even you speak in overseas they will catch you when back to HK, now HK is dead not safety

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Thanks you Senator Rubio

Justice in beijing's dictionary means there’s no room for opposing voices, no matter how moderate hkers are.

Hope US as soon as possible will take tough action against CCP.

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Hong Kong is dead and replaced with new Xiang Gang (Mandarin of HK).

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The situation in Hong Kong is going worse as more political prosecution and suppression to happened after the is enacted. Global sanctions via should be impose on China, HK govt and

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thank you for art sharing !!
My name is Ziya Yan, an artist from hongkong
i draw chibi and female character mainly
hope you like my art

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Situation is getting worse in as political prosecution happens daily, independent judiciary has gone.

We are worried more pro-democracy activists will be prosecuted, wish international would take more actions to stop

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Hi, my name is Ziya Yan^ ^
An artist from hongkong
I draw chibi and female character mainly
hope you like my drawing

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Truly thankful for your continuous support on Hongkongers🙏🏻

All we ask for is freedom and democracy, we shall never ever surrender! Justice will eventually win and defeat dictatorship!

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govt still naively think by arresting all pro-democratic activists would resolve all issues? There’re at least 2 mil ppl like then they should convert the whole city as the “re-education camp” to lock us all. We will

3 19

thank you for art sharing ^ ^
My name is Ziya Yan, an artist from hongkong
love drawing female character and cute illustration

Hope you guys like my art 😆

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