Wow... What a truly beautiful miniature! GW keeps on getting better and better, love it so much! 😍

14 138

Absolutely buying this beauty! Can.not.wait 😬

0 16

Morathi is coming. And she’s been AOS’ed.

19 101

Honestly cannot wait for the full release. Morathi will definitely be on the table every game at when she’s released!

1 25

the darkoath warqueen arrives to shyish to halt the advance of nagash's undead legions. i loved painting this model and her malign portents chart is off the hook. cant wait to play more games with her!

12 46

And he’s done! Had a lot of fun painting him, and excited about building up a small army! Lot of things I could improve but then the army would never get painted! 😉 hoping this project improves my skills as I go along!

13 99

Little bit more work on the armour tonight 😊

9 80

Working on the armour, this is really fun! 😊

1 102

A rough test of colours for an Astral Templars scheme I think I’d like to try out! 😊

3 55

A guide to ' forthcoming erotic art sale: includes Picasso, Picabia, Thomas Ruff, Sigmar Polke and more...

7 13

More work in progress on the Lord of Blights, this is such a nice miniature to paint! 😊

1 38

Next up for my Khadgetzan Overlords is my Admiral - very happy with the way the parts have mixed together. Paint coming soon!

13 53

is there a Death Whatsapp group at all?

0 2

2 Heros out of the cauldron of blood kit, tried to convert the hag into a second sorceress. Each painted quickly at one evening

3 23