Auch so können vegane Produkte aussehen: Mit zarten Farben und feinen Illustrationen ist das Packaging versehen, das die Warschauer Designagentur Podpunkt für Bobowina entwickelte >>> <<<

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RIGEKO is a multipurpose display font with the ability to create a harmonious yet bold feel. Malleable and versatile - amazing in branding and packaging contexts, as well as experimental typographic projects.

Test + buy 🌼

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Designed myself a stamp and a sticker for packaging orders today! ✨✨

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"1964 Blue Dream" 🦎🌿1 of 3 illustrations created by for 1964 Supply Co, Marijuana Producers. Represented by
View more work here:

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I’m sure a lot of you know, but I am running my business full-time, so any retweets would be greatly appreciated! 🤍

I make completely vegan-friendly bath bombs with eco packaging! ♻️
Everything is handmade by me and in every package is a handwritten note ☺️

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I made a new monster. He’s for a packaging label, but I have an idea in my head for a full rainbow set, with variations in body shape/expressions/limbs etc.

Could make it a print, or stickers.

What do you think?

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Creating some packaging concepts for my client, logo by me.

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WIP update: and the rat and his kitty are almost done, but you’ll have to wait a little more to see the full illustration...

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I do Digibashs, both of Toys and recently packaging>

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gemes bangettttttt. paket dari kak baru aja sampai 😭
perasaanku aja apa emang dikasih freebies banyak ya? 😭
packagingnya cantikk, stickernya glitter. terus di greetingcardnya ditulis namaku 🥺🤍 suka banget pokoknya sama yang totalitas gini buat merch hehe. top deh! x

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I wanted to draw something self indulgent (and I'm due for an icon change) so I drew Roderick, featuring my favourite drink (apple green tea! I like it a lot... it's very good). The packaging coincidentally happens to be green, too...

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Really excited about the brand identity system we have been building for WholesomeCo. Can’t wait to share the full system and how it’s being used in retail and packaging.

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Vintage Kidby off to a new owner: Xenon, computer game packaging painted in 1987.

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Only 48hrs until Early Bird closes! Enter 2021 Pentawards competition by Friday at 23.59 GMT to save €100:

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