Messze a suli,messze vannak a barátok, nehéz bejutni a belvárosba, sokat kell sétàlni a buszhoz azért szép itt

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Inspiráció: Megnéztem a Kis herceget. Szép megoldások vannak benne.

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I dunno looks pretty homo to me

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Some works by Tull Suwannakit, Director/ Principal instructor of Malvern School of Art.

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pattern of roasted root vegetables & garlic -

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In America cheese comes in a spray can -

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Something that needed doing. "Darth, Annakin and Luke" .

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Fisherman's Song by annaking484

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Tsioque in English pronunciation easy trick: "Ts-" for "Tsunami" nad "-oque" for Baroque. Hope it helps!:)#WannaKnow

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7/7 Panel of an Age Regression set for Annakatan, starring characters from Squid Girl!

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