Nico! But as a child of Aphrodite bc I’m literally such a diehard for this mash of aesthetics:)) tysm for 700 followers it’s insane

41 93

ONE MONTH YALL! The sun and the Star needs to come out faster so I can make more cute fanart of them

1 12

New merch in coming 💪💪💪 with some icon character from PJO !!!! It will be a double face charm 🥰🥰🥰

1 7

Ni en mis sueños más locos pensé que mi meme de Kaveh madre leona se haría realidad (?) Total sorpresa de saber que el VA es chileno 😭💖🙏 bienvenidooo

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Sorry for the art spam - I just have an art buzz all of a sudden !!!!!

Miss Hazel Levesque !!!! Another underrated character 💚💀💜

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YOOO i'm wil!!!! I do art and i'm silly :D mostly do sbi stuff but I also do pjo stuff sometimes aswell!!! and I'm working on writing fics and threads n stuff

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The goobers in the span of 6 years

1 9

ayup I'm wilbur / ren I'm a silly little guy that does art mostly sbi stuff and sometimes pjo !!! I'm trying to get into writing as well so yeah :D

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Nico Di Angelo - The Ghost King

Nico was my favourite character when I first read PJO because he was cool, and edgy, and could summon the dead.

Now, reading through HOU, I just wanna give the lil guy a hug!

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Eyyy it’s ya boy Will Solace, I love this sun boy sm || ¡y aquí está Will Solace! Tqm niño de sol

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I’ve been working on a little couple page comic for my PJO character.

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re made this and holy shit less than a years difference and honestly i feel like i did so much better

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