Beautiful from "D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer" for This 1705 work by Rumpf details the marine life of Amboina (Ambon) in what is now eastern Indonesia & features by Maria Sybilla Merian. In via :

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Hace pocos días abrió comisiones, le pedí una y ha hecho esta maravilla. Además ha sido muy amable y me ha dibujado incluso los cuatro pelillos de la barbilla y las patillas. <333

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Daily Bogga-Road Bill and friends comic by Peter Grayson

1 2

J'ai fait un habillage pour les abonnés premium du site

C'était un réel plaisir de le dessiner vu que la Dreamcast est ma console préférée! 😉

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R a z a, el destino de Monterrey se define con la pelea de estos dos cabrones: hebillas de cinto vs gansitos. ¿Quién será el impertinente que gane?

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I'll be selling the most excellent buttons at ⭐️🌌

13 53

'The Ylissean tactician Robin merged with Nohrian Princess Camilla. Shows great care for both Chrom and Corrin.'
Digitised and coloured my Robilla fusion from awhile ago. Also created a Heroes card because I could.

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Financiado por: Juanch0billa.

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Financiado por: Juanch0billa.

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Financiado por: Juanch0billa.

0 5

Design commission for . They wanted a bunyip and I was only too happy to oblige. I went with a mix of the watery colors of a billabong and the reddish orange of the outback.

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I just noticed based promo art pose on a drawing made by original designer, Charles Zembillas.

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Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717) est une célèbre naturaliste allemande. Elle produit ses premières planches à 13 ans, observe et décrit pour la première fois les insectes, leurs métamorphoses et leurs plantes hôtes dans le détail !

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Credito a: Juancho billa
¡Gracias por tu apoyo!

1 4

Halte à NoBillag! repostez-moi !

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Nurse Billam and Sister Currier circa 1919 by John Lavery, part of 's amazing Women's Work collection

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Michelangelo, sempre interessato allo studio del corpo umano..Studio per la Sibilla Libica..

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Stunning scenes from Yellow Water Billabong, Pic: huntingforparadise (via IG)

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