Allen McArthur. A Bioshock OC. Hes a teacher and Ryans stupid school ghsdhg

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Here's another Burden of Proof concept art that I posted on Instagram :) This one is an early version of Chloe McCarthy (original color version) by Luoying Li. You can follow her here:

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Here's 's (modern) newcomer Dido from Phoenicia (Carthage)
I can't wait for the next leader for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm.

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Way back in 1937 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - Walt Disney's first full-length animated film debuted in Los Angeles, at the at the Carthay Circle Theatre.

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This is Carthus he is my son

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Yes it bleedin’ is! This image was designed for us by student Dehlia McCarthy and we bleedin’ love it! ❤️

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Another OC commission I took with this other person. I think the character's name is Steve McCarthy and he's Maltese.

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منتقد معروف Desmond McCarthy، چنین گزارش داده است: «مردی سالخورده و موقر که زن جوانی او را همراهی می‌کرد، ‌در اولین سالن نمایشگاه با دیدن پرتره همسر سزان آنچنان از خنده روده بر شده بود که همراهانش مجبور شدند او را بیرون ببرند تا کمی در هوای آزاد قدم بزند و حالش جا بیاید.»

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Painting of the Day I will take care of you, Paula MacArthur

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“It’s okay, you can touch my biceps.”

Olibu, Carthaginian hero, obsessed with his epic gains. Crack/lewd/non DB/MV RP.

Wife: 💍💙❤️
BTGG: 💚🖤
Obedient servant to 🧡💜
Hopeful snuggle buddy with 💛💕

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Art Lab in action! Reinterpreting a fairy tale for contemporary times. Ariel on the left (J. Woodard) and the Headless Horseman on the right (F. McCarthy)

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'Lake McArthur' 40" x 60" Acrylic on Canvas by artist Randy Hayashi

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Commissions based on classic art:
1. Marius Amid the Ruins of Carthage- John Vanderlyn
2. Jupiter and Thetis- Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

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Painting of the Day Just how I feel, Paula MacArthur

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Doodled two old revamped OCs today as well. It's amazing to think how far I've come thanks to them and the fandom they were in. My writing back then was juvenile, and it was great for personal carthasis... but I think now these two deserve a happier, equally revamped verse.

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