“We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”

Recently read "The Song of Achilles" by Madeline Miller and now I feel empty inside lol. I loved them.

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I wanted to draw Medusa, as a yandere. She just turned yo girl to stone 😱 what's your response?!

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We are at the cusp of In said he would kill every animal The goddesses and sent a scorpion to kill him put the in the after it won the battle as

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The hydra might be the most famous monster in Poisonous breath, blood so toxic that the smell was deadly, and an undetermined number of heads that later regenerated exponentially. Herakles killed it with help from his nephew.

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A is a with the head of a human and the body of a with the wings of an In the sphinx asked and ate those who got them wrong and was defeated by

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a half-woman and half-snake, who lived alone in a cave. She was the mate of the fearsome monster and was the mother of many of the most famous monsters of

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In The Hydra/Hydra of is a sea Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the It had 9 heads and if one was removed 2 more grew back in its place. It was killed by

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In the were with 1 eye, they traded the other for the ability to see the The Cyclopes were the children of (earth) and (sky) and made the used by the

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The Big Guy himself. Zeus. Feat. My hatred for drawing chairs.

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Mythology AU fluff between Cas and Antonius 💕💕

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In is the son of and A of who carries (for a price) of the deceased across the and that divided the living world from the

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In is a who lives on one side of a channel of water. Sailors would pass close and her 6 heads would snatch them from boats. She had 12 tentacles, a cat's tail, and 4 dogs heads encircled her waist.

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The were in that had the form of a with female faces; they abducted people and tortured them on their way to the they were employed by the gods to punish the guilty

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Double page illustration for the story of Apollo & Marsyas. One of the more shocking stories in Greek Myth! Text from ThoughtCo

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one issue I had with this project was definitely fitting all the text - while it's not TOO cluttered, fixing that'd definitely be a priority when I get around to expanding upon this in the future...


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Hades. I know I made Cerberos kinda tiny, but he’s a mythical creature, he can change size depending on context right?

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Posting art to Twitter is difficult! Jeepers. I'll keep trying, though! Here's a picture I made a little bit ago of my portrayal of the Greek God Momus.

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