Oedipus and the Sphinx by 1) John McKirdy Duncan, 2) Gustave Moreau, 3) Niels Skovgaard, and 4) Samuele Gaudio.

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Hesiod and the Muse by Gustave Moreau, 1891, Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Oedipus and the Sphinx by Gustave Moreau, 1864, The MET
Sappho by Gustave Moreau, c.1893

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Gustave Moreau
(Paris, 1826-1898) He was a great artist, precursor of
Oedipus and the Sphinx, 1864
The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York

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“What, in the final analysis, is the enigma of the Oedipus complex? Freud highlights that it is not simply the fact that the subject wants to kill his father and rape his mother, but that this desire comes to dwell in the unconscious. And it so clearly dwells ...

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MUSCLES. Lot of.
And Oedipus complexes. Lot of too.

0 22

so who was going to tell me that you don't pronounce "Oedipus" as "Oh-di-puss" and it is instead pronounced as "Eh-di-pus"?

i have been calling him "Oh-di" the entire time like some dumbass!

3 8

One day, just outside Thebes, young Oedipus encounters his father, King Laius, on the road. Things don't go well:

"This road is too narrow for the both of us."

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マックス・エルンスト(Max Ernst 1891-1976)
・Oedipus Rex(ドイツ時代最後の作品)
・Au rendez-vous des amis
・Paul Éluard "Les malheurs des immortels" 挿絵

アンドレ・マッソン(André Masson 1896–1987)
・Le Guéridon dans l'atelier

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"It can scarcely be owing to chance that three of the masterpieces of the literature of all time, the 'Oedipus Rex' of Sophocles, Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' and Dostoevsky's 'The Brothers Karamazov' should all deal with the same subject, parricide"
(Sigmund Freud)

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And with that, part 2 is live. These have all been scheduled automatically.
If a day goes by and no one wants one of these oedipus_red designs that's okay, I made them because I had to get it out.

Bowie on that need:

.02eth 24hrs

4 13

Max Ernst
『Oedipus Rex』

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Some of the myths suggested in your comments last week.
1. Achilles & Patroclus
2. Heraclea & Hylas
3. Hyacinth & Apollo
4. Castor & Pollux
5. Icarus
6. Ganymede
7. Oedipus & the sphinx
8. Heracles & Nessus
9. Perseus & the Gorgon
10. Theseus & Minotaur

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Oedipus curses his son Polynices – Gaston Charpentier-Bosio, 1883.

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Oedipus (without the Rex)

This one is also a 1/1 on its own smart contract


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-Oedipus Tyrannus-


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The costume design did bang harder than Oedipus and his Mom though

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It's (François-Xavier Fabre, Oedipus and the Sphinx)

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