New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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Y Brochan tambien lo hace muy bien con todas sus collabs, ame cada dibujo que hizo, hace tus sueños de monas chinas realidad, siganla mucho uwu ♡☆

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Broches acrílicos de 5x5cm (aprox)
Reservas hasta el 15 de febrero, en mi tienda etsy ^__^

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Practica con nueva brochita que descargue, uwu vi un video que para poner un extra en tu dibujo, hacer el sombreado con una brocha con textura pero creo que exagere xd

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New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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Hier kommt der vierte Ehrengast der besucht die Hansestadt! 😁 Ban hat seit 2017 mit ihrer Serie „Kamo – Pakt mit der Geisterwelt“ Verkaufsrekorde gebrochen und arbeitet nun an einem neuen eiskalten Projekt, von dem sie bei uns erzählen wird 😊

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Voici ce que fais : illustrations (tradi & numérique), broches, tricot, bracelets et colliers en perles de pierres, objets en résine... Personnalisations possibles !

Boutique :

Merci 🦕

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New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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Linda "Hey, honeybun! You remember if the brochure mentioned anything 'bout this inexplicable hellzone between life and death?"


Howard: ᵖᵃᵍᵉ ³⁷, ᴰᴱᴬᴿ

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New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

2 5

Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

2 5

New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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Evening - worked on the gorgeous 30th anniversary brochure illustrations before Christmas- which will be on show at at tomorrow hurray!

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New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

3 7

New Year, new project? Do you have a book you need illustrating, artwork for a brochure, visuals for a presentation? If so, why not contact me for a chat.

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100% and some brushes plus some layer modes :)
100% y un trabajo de varias brochas y algunos modos de capa :)

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The original Panda was quite roomy for its size, but that didn't stop Fiat developing a strange tacked-on rear extension for one van variant. This 1998 Italian brochure shows the extended model alongside the more conventional Citivan.

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