Here is a concept for a Mega Tsareena based on an Onion Knight. The Tsareena’s boots have shed off and hardened into a weapon that the Tsareena uses to attack. It’s defense is lowered in exchange for more Attack and Speed.

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Time is not a single train,
moving in one direction at a constant speed. Every so often it meets another train coming in the opposite direction, from the past, and for a short while that past is with us, by our side, in our present.

-Claudio Magris

-Georgia O'Keeffe, 1916

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Tonight’s spaceship sketch. Built for speed.

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With an unpronounceable Mega Stones here it comes Mega Dragonite!
The power of Mega Evolution has increased its power and speed. It's said to be more intelligent and kindhearted than normal Dragonite. It'll rescue any human or Pokémon from any trouble.

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No. 78: Rapidash
Fire Horse Pokémon

Just loves to run. If it sees something faster than itself, it will give chase at top speed.

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Ferrari adjusting their strategy to Hamiltons speed...

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Potion of Speed.
Hitting my stride, if you'll pardon the expression. :P

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Flash's secret for super speed.

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Reward for SoulKat, A Really Fast Pyrro Charging at Incredible Speed.

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- J
Swings filled Lakshmi with joy. She loved the speed. It almost felt as if she was flying. Careful though Lakshmi, you might want to hold on tight.

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This started out as an exercise to gauge my speed.
Anyway, say hello to Ms. Sells.

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Aphos [WIP 1 + 2]
Rough sketch and the value shading.
Modified the character to give it less of a flower-girl look and more punk for contrast.

Testing values/rendering speed.

(Image is complete. Final will be posted tomorrow.)

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"I'll do this super quick, to practise speed."

Ended up redoing it probably 74 times.

Anyway, hope you like, !

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Ready to be 3D! I was told "tomorrow". Wow, that's the speed. Meanwhile we got our story settled, and I'm super excited to start properly working on it!

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Nightmare in Red [Practice]

Testing out paneling and learning how different sizes affect the 'read' speed. Gonna be a slow week.

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Ivory Hailgrind and Ebon are security guards for hire! My party met them in our last session, during which Ivory set our wizard flying into the jungle by swinging our bard into him at top speed. I love them.

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"The hog hungers for speed."

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Batrapt have unique claws that can drain the life force of those impaled by its special red barbs. They’re usually found hanging on tree branches, but will launch themselves at potential prey with startling speed.

Another new MiraCura monster! A bat crossed with a Venus flytrap

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All unicorns are fake bitches, I don’t make the rules...
Starting to work on finding a good format for It’s Not That Deep! Let me know what you think! So far I think it’s looking pretty good and is simple enough to draw at a decent speed.

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