Happy World Book everyone! We like Big Books and we cannot lie, you other readers can't deny!

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Happy World Book day! https://t.co/8qY6wre1Mu Not all books are bound in human flesh

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Because books offer us the key to a host of other worlds where our imaginations can roam free

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Happy everyone. more physical books, keep bookshops alive.

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There'll be prints of this lovely illustration available too

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Have a splendid day one and all!

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It's World Book Day tomorrow, tell us what your favourite book was as a child

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Thurs is author Ollie Rigby reading & signing Giants bestseller 3.30pm

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Roses, books & lovers. becomes a celebration of culture & love on the streets of

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In celebration of I've decided to remake the cover of one of my favourite books, by !

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Congratulations to the World Book Day Illustrator whose stunning HECTOR is out today! xxx

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Happy World Book Day!!! :))))

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book-reading weather out there - and BOOKS ALWAYS EVERYWHERE publication day.

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