Rebecca and Captain Wesker⛄️

40 189

Commission for They wanted to see their two OCs bound and gagged in cosplay

9 47

Golgotha - a creature that was originally supposed to be the final boss of Resident Evil 2.
Actually a mutated Wesker from the first game, but I doubt he was going to be that smug about it.

33 217

Sinetsi ezinik! Sariak batzen jarraitzen du🏆🏆 dokumentalak; eta 15 dira dagoeneko😳. Bart, DOKUMENTAL ONENAREN SARIA jaso berri ditu Pragan eta Paron (Bhutan) . Mila esker bihotzez proiektu honetan sinistu duzuen guztioi! Gora gure eta

6 26

If hiten runs an smp I refuse to change my Albert Wesker skin. So this is what I'd look like in it c:

3 14

A good friend of mine does an amazing Albert Wesker impersonation, and he did something really cute in that voice, so it sparked my love again for Resident Evil.

So introducing Raesident Evil AKA Rae in RE

0 0

Look at this beautiful art I got from of my boy Wesker! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

2 7

gonna do that rpg picrew real fast ... the roy + obligatory wesker

1 3

Though her October form might be good~ About 15 feet of lycanthrope wereskerpent.

0 3

Hello and welcome! My name's Witty Wesker. I'm an opossum who likes horror movies, books, video games, board games, dressing in women's clothing, maws, feetpaws, pits, and bellies (outside and in); I'm a weird guy guy.

And I tend get sad a lot...but I'm always happy to see you.

2 36

\❤︎/ Happy Birthday Esker \❤︎/

7 42

【女性向 GBF+FGO 新書/補書上架】




0 0

¿Mi familia podría tener mejor regalo? Yo digo que no. Gracias al arte del elfo por hacer esta pedazo de obra. Contactad con ella si queréis algo así, os juro que no os vais a arrepentir. Eskerrik asko por ponerle tanto cariño. ¡Te queremos!

3 16

As time goes on I find I really enjoy reading about Resident Evil or watching videos about the series (like ‘s excellent retrospective on it) than actually playing it. I love Wesker, what an asshole.

2 13

I'm a big fan of a bunch from Skullgirls, like Ms. Fortune's intro, her grab, Filia's supers, and most everything about Big Band + Beowolf. MvC supers like X-23 and Wesker's level threes are great, plus SC6 supers like Zasalamel and Yoshi's. 'Course, hard to beat Baiken's walk...

0 2

Abrir el corazón.Mostrar las heridas. Dialogar los dolores, cantar los amores, pintar las sonrisas, Vida.Hacer de nuestra vulnerabilidad la fuerza que nos conecta. 

Eskerrikaskooo por tanto, una vez más

24 71