
357 1361

Gyro finds out about Johnny's kink the hard way

4 49

ghhhhh hh h I'm- oh... gnite 😶👉👈

103 394

today I woke up with a thought about this
so quick sketch lol 🤠

72 322

back on my gyjo bullshit.. with fem johnby

5 53

Ed ecco la striscia sulla GyJo finalmente! Mi sono impegnata molto, soprattutto perché per me è la prima volta che faccio una striscia simile, con una scenetta impostata. Spero tanto che vi piaccia, fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate 💖💖

7 33


303 1102

centaur & mermaid

183 730

Gyjo🔷Commission ✨

720 2398

My buddy sketched this for me during his charity stream last night. I needed emotional support after finishing

So of course I had to vector and color it, I'm gonna make it into a sticker for my phone.

Love is stored in the

14 50

Johnny had one too many 🤪

21 112

this is so old now but i still have GyJo FEELINGS

33 75